2013-2014 Stanford CS Newsletter October 2013

Compliance Services Newsletter October 2013 STANFORD UNIVERSITY ATHLETE AGENT POLICY Stanford’s Athlete Agent Policy provides prospective agents, current student-athletes, coaches, and staff members with information about NCAA rules, California state regulations, and the Department’s guidelines for contacting current student-athletes. This Athlete Agent Policy was developed in Spring 2012 based on feedback received from Stanford head and assistant coaches. If you would like a copy of the Athlete Agent Policy, please contact Shannon Wilson in Compliance Services. What is the definition of agent? Who would this policy apply to? The definition of agent includes any person seeking to represent or market a student-athlete for financial gain or any person who seeks to use a student-athlete’s reputation for personal gain. This could include, but are not limited to: • • • • • sports agents marketing representatives entertainment consultants brand managers financial advisors What if a current student-athlete or parent has questions about the Stanford Athlete Agent Policy? The Compliance Services Office has two convenient locations to view this information: (1) hard copies are available upon request in the Compliance Services Office, and (2) an electronic version is available on www.gostanford. com/compliance. Parents or student-athletes can also e-mail Shannon Wilson at [email protected] for more information about agents or if they have questions about the Stanford Athlete Agent Policy. L PANE TION TES CA HLE T EDU AGEN UDENT-AT T FOR S 7 PM R 17 @ ORIUM BE OCTO AUDIT CK KISSI DID YOU LOG YOUR PHONE CALLS TODAY? Please make sure to log your phone calls to recruits using the ACS iPhone app (or via your ACS login if the app is not available). The annual coaches’ handbook provides specific expectations for documenting recruiting phone calls (page 55). Please remember the following regarding your recruiting phone calls (e.g., phone calls placed to recruits or their relatives/ guardians): The content of the call (not the duration) determines whether a call is countable. A call is countable if a coach calls a recruit and is told he or she is unavailable, but the coach leaves a message regarding or discusses with the recruit’s relative the merits of the athletics program. Once a coach has made the permissible number of calls to a recruit during a particular time period, the coach is not permitted to place a second phone call (if the sport is under the one phone call per week rule). Coaches should report a recruiting phone call as: • completed • left non-recruiting message • left recruiting message • dropped call • no answer • camp/clinic logistics Take Notes! When a telephone call is dropped (e.g., wireless service is lost), or a message is left, a second call initiated to the recruit is presumed to be in violation of NCAA rules. However, if there is documentation that the additional call was a continuation of the original call, or was a second attempt to contact the prospect, we would not be required to self-report a violation. Therefore, please make sure to log your phone calls correctly into ACS. The NCAA does not consider examining the actual phone records after-the-fact and noting where dropped calls occurred, or when messages were left, as sufficient; contemporaneous notes/logs must be kept up-to-date at all times. Check two sources before making the initial call. Pac-12 guidelines state that coaches should check two sources to verify a recruit’s year in school and graduation date before placing an initial call to a recruit.