2013-2014 SFL Annual Report 1 | Page 17

.................... Printed & Distributed 350,000 437 copies of ‘Why Liberty’ requests for Activism Kits Resources SFL produces hundreds of thousands of resources each year to help students learn about and promote liberty on their campuses. Our general approach is to distribute as many resources for free or at as low of a cost as possible to maximize the number of people consuming the ideas of liberty. If you’re wondering how we know our resources are being used efficiently since we give them away, there are two answers. First, we conduct follow-up surveys of those who consume resources to determine their effectiveness. But more importantly, we look at the demand for each resource to measure interest and likely consumption. Increasing demand (requests) provides a direct measure of how much students are valuing the resource. Why Liberty SFL printed and distributed 350,000 copies of our 4 book, Why Liberty, a collection of essays on the meaning and application of liberty for young people in the 21st century. th Activism Kits SFL received 473 requests for activism kits this past year, for 183 recruitment kits, 106 internet freedom kits, 102 free market environmentalism kits, and 82 school choice kits. Webinars & Virtual Speakers Bureau SFL ran 8 webinars worldwide for 399 attendees featuring Mark Henderson, Cathy Reisenwitz, Jeffrey Tucker, Isaac Morehouse, T.K. Coleman, Dr. Tom G. Palmer, Alexander McCobin, and Paul Schwenessen. In addition, SFL coordinated 16 virtual speaking events across the United States with 410 student attendees. Virtual Reading Groups SFL organized 3 virtual reading groups that partnered 42 students from around the world with professors to read through in-depth works like Adam Smith’s A Theory of Moral Sentiments and Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, Utopia. 17 ...