1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 January Voice RS | Page 3

SUN'S MIDNIGHT DUKE OWNERS: MR. & MRS. GORDON WILDER Lexington, Kentucky and Franklin, Tennessee 62V2% midnight sun blood WHAT ARE WE really looking for in a Stallion to breed to? ARE WE BREEDING just for Show Horses, when only a small percent ever get to a Show or become Show Winners? ARE WE BREEDING for Pleasure Horses, the unappreciated and untapped backbone of our Walking Horse business? WHY NOT BREED for both if we can find a Dual-Purpose stallion? SUN’S MIDNIGHT DUKE is acknowledged as one of the top natural three-gaited Walking Stallions of all time! This is his INHERITANCE! His colts are natural walkers! MANY BREEDERS SAY the first 15” of a Walking Horse is the all-important thing. We say these breeders should switch to Gaited Horses! We breed for good head and ears, throatlatch, and neck, but NEVER at the sacrifice of natural inherited walking ability! IN OUR BREEDING plans, we must breed to PRESERVE and IMPROVE natural inherited walking ability! When we lose this, we have lost everything! THERE IS A DANGEROUS trend toward smaller Stallions and Broodmares with small bone structure. What with the new rules of Training and Showing, requiring more hard riding and less soreing, we must breed larger and stronger horses with better bone structure, more substance, more power, and more stamina! This applies to Pleasure Horses as well! WE BELIEVE DUKE could well be the answer to all these problems! He is 16 hands, good conformation with exceptionally short back, excellent bone structure, big, strong, and powerful! IN SERVICE AT HARLINSDALE FARM - FEE $100.00 ALL THESE WITH PERFECT MANNERS! A DUAL-PURPOSE STALLION!