1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 December Voice | Page 42

CKI.KBR ATIOX MBI'TIXC. lAbovei Part'of the large crowd that gathered tor the meeting u- pictured pno: to the start ol the program. At- the right are some <>t [lie men who addressed the gathering: (lop. left to right) Vic Thompson. President ol the Trainers Association: Bill Tune. President of Celebration. Inc., i bottom, lett to right; Joe Kelley. President of the Breed­ ers Association: and Bill UTtherspoon. STATE HORSE PROTECTION BILL STRONGLY REJECTED BY HORSEMEN AT CELEBRATION MEETING "It was a good barbecue!” This comment adequately summed up the general feeling regarding the recent meeting held on the Celebration grounds in Shelby- ville, Tennessee, to hear and discuss the Federal Bill and the Tennessee State Bill on horse protection. It is generally agreed that most horsemen, Tennessee and otherwise, who are primarily interested in Walk­ ing Horses, prefer the Tydings Bill to the State Bill. It was a beautiful balmy fall day in Shelbyville as a crowd of approximately five hundred horse enthusiasts gathered in a large tent just west of the grandstand. The meeting was held Friday, November 21, and started promptly at 2:30 PM, lasting until 6 o’clock. After the meeting, everyone was invited to a barbecue on the grounds. The officials of Celebration, Incorporated rendered 42 Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse