1969 Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1969 April Voice RS | Page 13

When you feed CINCH you hove so much more going for you... ★ Better formula —contains ALL essential needs ★ Economy—you get more for your money ★ Palatability — all horses like it! CINCH gives you more of the essential health elements your horses need. Greater potency means more “bloom”, more vigor, better condition and better performance from every animal. CINCH helps foals develop sound legs, straight bones and strong muscles. CINCH keeps mature horses in peak condition for greater resistance to disease, more stamina on the trail. And CINCH has no cheap filler like salt, no antibiotics — you pay for no non­ sense — just essential nutrition elements. TRY IT — your money back if your horses won’t eat it! Ask your local tack shop or any Franklin dealer — write us for the name of your nearest dealer. Compare the ingredients — then compare the results! Ingredient Per Lb. Units CINCH Brand A Brand B Vitamin A USP 800,000 400.000 640,000 Vitamin D 80,000 88,000 USP 70,000 Vitamin B (1,2 and 6) 1,456 mg. 1,600 480 Vitamin E 221 320 320 I.U. Pantothenic Acid 400 450 240 mg. Niacin 1,600 2,100 2,000 mg. 22,672 Phosphorus 29,200 21,000 mg. Trace Elements (Zn, 1, Co) 14 mg. 156 150 Salt 9.072 mg. 15.000 None Also contains B12. Biotin, Choline and Folic Acid. Excellent Calcium-Phosphorus ratio with not more than 5 2% Calcium (22.900 mg.) — plus Iron. Manganese, Copper. Zinc and Cobalt in properly balanced trace elements. Filled under nitrogen for lasting potency. ★ A product of the O.M. FRANKLIN SERUM COMPANY “The West’s best known name in Animal Health products” P. 0. Box 22335 • Denver, Colo. 80222