1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 May Voice RS | Page 47

HAVE YOU TRIED 'EM ALL WITHOUT REAL RESULTS? Your horse is not absorbing and using all of the minerals he is being fed. It's a fact! Modern science now knows that minerals (as they exist in most feed supplements) pass right through your horse with only a small per­ centage being absorbed. NOW . . . after ten years of research, a solution to this problem has been dis­ covered. Called Chelation*, this process increases the absorption of vital minerals (we call them Metal Protei- nates) by as much as four-fifths. Our product . . . 40/ to/One, contains minerals that have been Chelated*. In addition, 40/to/0ne contains an exclusive Vitamin formula PLUS a superior balance of nutritional factors. NOW . . . after only two months, professional trainers are seeing amazing results in general conditioning, stamina and bloom (which pays off in the showring and at the track) and breeders are getting excellent results with both brood mares and stallions. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Only 12tf a day will provide your horse with ALL the necessary vitamins and minerals he needs to achieve peak conditioning . . . with 40/to/0ne he absorbs and uses it! One ounce per day is all that is needed to achieve peak con dition for your horse. Whether it is pleasure horses, show horses, brood mares or breeding stallions, 40/to/0ne can help keep them in peak condition. Get 40/to/0ne TODAY! ORDER FROM: 40/to/One, Incorporated P.0. Box 4263 ‘CHELATION (pronounced Key-lation)—This term comes from the Greek word CLAW, and modern usage interprets the term to mean the trap­ ping (or surrounding) of metals or trace minerals by organic materials, thus greatly increasing absorption. (Our process of chelation is pro­ tected by Patents Applied For in the United States and 12 foreign nations.) 40/to/0ne is avail­ able in three sizes as indicated below. For a short period of time it will be avail­ able only by direct order. 5 Lbs. 10 Lbs. 25 Lbs. FOR $ 9.95 16.95 38.95 POSTAGE PAID ANY­ WHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA. Tutting Nature in Balance through Chemistry Chattanooga, Tenn. 37405 NOTE—Dealer/Distributor Inquiries Invited for Territories West of the Mississippi River. ORDER FORM FOR HORSES YES! Please send me a supply of your new product 40/to/0ne FOR HORSES in the quantity indicated. Name _ Address City ________________________ State _________________ Zip __ Order (Check One) 5 lbs. _______ 10 lbs. _______ 25 lbs. Enclosed find check _______ Money Order _______