1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 March Voice RS | Page 39

WALKING HORSE AMATEUR: Championship; SON’S PLAYBOY, W. B. Cherry, Henderson, Tn. Re­ serve; GO BOY’S NIGHT PROWL­ ER, Janie Bramlett, Oxford, Ms. WALKING HORSE, OPEN: Cham­ pionship; HAWK’S MEMORY, Dickie Pate, Collierville, Tenn. Reserve; BLACK SOUTHERN AIRE, Sharon Terry, Cleveland, Miss. Mrs. Carrie Neal Fox provided ex­ cellent entertainment during the ban­ quets. An extra bit of entertainment was provided by a very talented young lady from Searcy, Arkansas, who presented a fine hour of vocal and guitar music with taped accom­ paniment after the general dinner meeting on Saturday night. Another highlight of the meeting was an in­ troductory speech by Master of Cere­ monies Emmet Guy, Sheriff of Jack- son County, who discussed the pros and cons of "driving and drinking.’’ His approach was, "You mess up and get caught doing both at the same time and you’ll sit it out by yo’self.” It was a fine meeting and one that we will look forward to again next year. March, 1968 39