1968-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1968 January Voice RS | Page 106

To syndicate or not to syndicate?” What has all this got to do with the Walking Horse business? It is our opinion that it has a lot of merit for discussion. Syndication (as it is described in this article) has only been attempted one time in the Walking Horse business. To our knowledge it was a successful venture save for several misunderstand­ ings regarding management of a feature stallion which ultimately led to the liquidation of the syndicate. With­ out appearing boastful, I would like to point out that this was attempted in 1960 before the VOICE maga­ zine was being published, and the people involved really had no adequate means of presenting the true stallion "syndication” story to the nation's Tennessee Walking Horse enthusiasts. Is the Walking Horse business ready for syndication? We really do not know! We do know that there are several top breeding horses that are now owned by groups of individuals with a variety of breeding ar­ rangements available to owners as well as outside breeders. We would suggest that you let this issue settle in your mind for a few7 days and then re-read the pre­ vious article. Perhaps our breed IS ready for syndi­ cation, provided the right horses were chosen for this distinction. Regardless of what your opinion is regarding this particular issue, when you breed your mares remember to "breed the best you’ve got to the best you can find.” (Editor's note: A fine follow-up on this article ap­ pears in "Horses, Horses, Horses,” by Dr. M. E. Ensminger, this month. It is located elsewhere in this issue.) QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHS -482-6309 IN LIVING COLOR W. F. “BILL” CHAPPELL S how H orse P hotographer 7077 RD. COVINGTON LITHONIA. GA. 30058 ACTION AT BARN BY APPOINTMENT VOICE ADVERTISING DEADLINE NOTICE - WE TRY TO GET THE VOICE IN THE MAIL BY THE FIFTEENTH OF EVERY MONTH SO THAT YOU WILL GET IT SOMETIME DURING THE MONTH DATED. HOWEVER, TO DO THIS WE MUST HAVE ALL ADVERTISING MATERIAL IN OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN THE TWENTIETH OF THE MONTH BEFORE. 2nd EDITION “CARE AND TRAINING of the TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE” Over 200 pages packed with vital and detailed information on ONLY the "‘Care and Training of the Tennes­ see Walking Horse." The 2nd Edi­ tion has over 150 photographs illustrating various training proce­ dures. It is a ORDER FROM MUST for every Walking Horse enthusiast! 106 Per JOE WEB SEARCY, ARKANSAS Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse