1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 October Voice RS | Page 11

Trouble spots? Treat them with ABSORBINE at the first sign! For over 70 years, Absorbine has proved effective in the relief of bog spavin, windgall, ringbone, sores and bruises. At the slightest sign, use Absorbine promptly! Full strength: Apply right on strained tendons or any troubled areas. It draws out soreness. Never any loss of hair or blistering. And it’s antiseptic, too. No other liniment has Absorbine’s combina­ tion of fungicidal properties. October, 1967 Body Wash: Leading trainers ad­ vise a daily Absorbine wash as ex­ cellent protection against lameness. Regular use helps horses cool out and stay supple. Buy Absorbine in the long-lasting, 12-ounce bottle or in the economi­ cal horseman’s gallon size. Avail­ able wherever veterinary supplies are sold. ABSORBINE VETERINARY LINIMENT W.F. Young, Inc., Springfield, Mass. In Canada: W.F. Young, Inc., Montreal 19, P.Q. 11