1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 May Voice RS | Page 36

and size of show boots but no reference is made as to weight. This year you may use ANY WEIGHT BOOT necessary for maximum performance of your horse just as long as it is of the proper construction and material TIME OUT PERIODS—A drastic change has been made this year having to do with the time given for repair of damaged or broken equipment. Part II, states: “An ex­ hibitor is entitled to request suspension of judging for a period not to exceed seven minutes in aggregate.” This means that an exhibitor may have as many time out periods as necessary so long as the total does not exceed seven minutes. This rule was first adopted by the A.H.S.A. and the Breeders Association followed suit. It is our under­ standing that the Celebration also will have this rule in effect this year. The Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders Association Rule Book is designed to be used as a guide for Horse Show Managers, Trainers and Exhibitors whose major interest is the Tennessee Walking Horse. They state, “It is our aim to serve and promote the best interests of the Tennessee Walking Horse; to assist those horse shows which include classes for this breed and to provide ade­ quate and fair rules governing competition and to pro­ vide a source for reputable judges for Walking Horse classes and to act in whatever capacity necessary to sup­ port the rules and exhibitors.” New Rule Book Released Mr. Jerome Ryan, President of the Tennessee Walk­ ing Horse Breeders Association recently announced the release of the new rule book for Walking Horse Judges and Exhibitors. This book has been prepared in conjunc­ tion with the A.H.S.A. and also with the cooperation of the Celebration, Incorporated. It is, to our knowledge, the first time in years, that the Breeders Association book has been in complete agreement with all other groups dealing with rules and regulations regarding this breed. Senator Joe Kelly and his judges and judging com­ mittee worked long and hard on this booklet and we feel that it is the finest and most complete that has been pre­ pared in years. Working with the Chairman on this proj­ ect were Mr. Bob Guinn, Savannah, Tennessee; Mr. Bud Seaton, Dallas, Texas; Mr. Frank Parnell, Newbern, Ten­ nessee; Mr. Frank Talbot, Macon, Georgia; Mr. Wallace Brandon, Aurora, Ohio and the President. There are several items of interest regarding rule changes which we should point out here. BOOTS—Part 38 TWO-YEAR-OLDS—One of the big questions this year is the rule having to do with 1967 Two-Year-Olds. The rules of both the A.H.S.A. and the Breeders Associ­ ation state—“Any horse foaled after January 1, 1965, with scars on the coronet or pastern area is ineligible for competition.” We would like to point out here that this rule, along with all others, is subject to the acceptance of the management of any particular horse show. In all horse shows except official A.H.S.A. shows and other as­ sociation shows, it is the prerogative of the manager to state which rules will be in effect. We attended an early show this season, which had a recognized judge, in which the management announced that this rule “would not be in effect at their show.” This took the burden of respon­ sibility off of the judge and he was obliged to tie the horses according to the specific rules of that particular show. We would recommend that this be taken into con­ sideration and if deemed advisable specific action be taken regarding this particular rule at all shows, otherwise a considerable amount of confusion and misunderstanding could develop. JUVENILES—A clarification was made on the age ol Juveniles that states “an exhibitor is classified as a Juve­ nile (Junior) exhibitor if they have not reached then eighteenth birthday prior to January 1st. The age of the individual on January first shall be maintained through­ out the entire year. The Breeders Association has printed an abundant supply of Rule Books and wishes to make them availab c to you. If you are not a member of the Breeders Associa­ tion and would like to have this edition, write to: RU > BOOK, c/o Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders Associa­ tion, P.O. Box 286, Lewisburg, Tennessee. (Continued on Page 44) VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse