1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 April Voice RS | Page 10

FIRST ALL WALKING HORSE SALE AT TATTERSALLS TO BE CONTINUED EVENT P •. , tj -••••* wiif* iamous lor trtcir line waited Horse Auction Sales, entered the Walking Horse hnlTsr ‘V ™ fashlon at their first Walking Horse Sale held March 20 and 21 Located in the heart of the na- tpre-in .orouRhbred capital of Lexington, Kentucky, Tat- hnnf S j VxCJy c^f,cicntIy managed by Mr. Walter S. Gib- bons and Mr. Carl V. Garner. Both of these men are hnJ ref!P.e?tcd throughout the nation for their various a«fw;afJV1^L *ncl wc are indecd proud to have them e with the Walking Horse world in this capacity. hnniPmrf^ ^alking Horse sale is not new to most of our ffrounHe ’ lJ°fl ?ce the vans on the Tattersalls Sale For ThpJ^r ^a]king Horse silouettes was quite a sight, with th *r 1FSt Sa C breed, everyone seem pleased of horsre **iin- °Ut cost^ners and buyers. The quality ™ Wl11 lmPr°ve as this sale continues. 70 cl wcr® ^0 horses run through the sale with about stahloe 1*u'’ ,?.1SCS wcre cosigned by many top name Brown ^aSJ1CJhomPson» Sam Paschal, GLL, Claude 5 i s-Me-Farm, Leeswood and James Rowland. VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse