1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 October Voice RS | Page 42

Dull coat? Dry coat? Brittle coat? Try MIRRA-COAT!(E) A small amount mixed with, or sprinkled over, the daily ration will help turn coarse, lifeless hair into a smooth, glossy coat. MIRRA-COAT is a carefully bal­ anced blend of polyunsaturated fatty acids; vitamins A, Bfc and E; plus other nutrients so necessary for developing and maintaining healthy, pliable skin—a sleek prize­ winning coat. The same formula used by mink ranchers to help pro­ duce glossier, more lustrous pelts, MIRRA-COAT also helps stimulate the re-growth of hair over thin or bare spots, helps rid horses of scaly skin and loose dandruff. Have you ever seen dapples on animals only 3 weeks off the rough? Stock, use and recommend MIRRA- COAT — now available in 3-pound gas-packed canisters. SHOWING HER WARES—The top Yearling of the Celebration, SHADOW’S LILA is pictured with some of her more recent trophies. She is being posed by her former owner and trainer James Rowland of Murfreesboro, Tennessee while Trainer Buddy Hugh, Mrs. Rowland and new owners Mr. and Mrs. Lacy West of Kingsport, Tennessee, look on. This picture was taken during the Bailey-Montgomery Sale of SHADOW-PIDDLEY colts. Finest Indoor and Outdoor Training Facilities A L * $ v LYNWOOD STABLES AKRON, INDIANA Henry Randall, Trainer VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME Howard Utter, Owner Ph. (219 ) 893-2975 (Stable) 893-4655 (Nights) At Stud: GO BOY'S MILLIONAIRE—570883 inri] HORSE INSURANCE JIMMY RICHARDSON Agency imoi Coverage At Once All Size Risks Phone: Area Code 615 684-6836 24 Hours a Day 7 Day a Week P. 0. Box 85 Shelbyville, Tennessee Call your veterinary distributor or write The Borden Company, Feed Supplements Division, Representing 350 Madison Ave.,New York, New York 10017. St. Louis Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Bjjgagg 42 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse j