1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 November Voice RS | Page 9

Kentucky Walking Horse Association, Inc. Georgetown, Ky. Box 622 Tennessee Walking Horses Today Must Have More Stamina Than a Thoroughbred To Build This Stamina Needed, You Must Start At an Early Age in Any Breed No Wonder Kentucky Leads All States In the Production oi Horses That Have Such Endurance. .A. Phone 863-0954 Stay in the Last Work Out with a Kentucky Raised Tennessee Walking Horse FACT Three National Celebration Grand Champions and One Reserve Champion Were Kentucky Owned CONTACT THE FOLLOWING BREEDERS AND EXHIBITORS FOR YOUR TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE NEEDS 1. ALBANY, KENTUCKY MIGHTY SUN, Champion Walking Horse Stallion, standing at Brown Walking Horse Stable. Fee: $100, return privileges. Horses trained, bought, sold. Don Calloway, manager-trainer. Phone 387-5389. Visitors welcome. 2. CAMPBELISBURG. KENTUCKY Barnett Farm — Campbellsburg, Kentucky. Owned by A. A. Barnett, 518 Murray. Frankfort. Kentucky. Phone 227-8252. At Stud: MACK K'S DRUMMER BOY: Sire, MIDNIGHT MACK K; First Dam. MID­ NIGHT SUN. Show Prospects and Pleasure Walk­ ing Horses for Sale. 3 DANVILLE, KENTUCKY MONNIE-JANE STABLE. Harrodsburg Road. Dan­ ville. Kentucky ('A mile north on Highway 127). Leeds Ballard — Henry' Clark, trainers. Phone 236- 7305. 7. GEORGETOWN, KENTUCKY MALLARD FARMS Registered Tennessee Walk­ ing Horses. GO BOY and MIDNIGHT SUN breed­ ing. We specialize in Young Show Stock. Brood Mares, and Yearlings. Billy Ray Parrish, manager- trainer. Phone 863-1368. MIGHTY SUN colts and top broodmares In foal to MIGHTY SUN Yellow stallion. ROAN ALLEN breeding, at stud. Registered marcs, $50.00; Pleas­ ure marcs. $25.00. J. R. Lewis. 8. GRAYSON, KENTUCKY GRAYSON STABLES. Tennessee Walking Horses Trained, Bred, and Sold. R. G. Justice • R. C. Graves, owners — Berry Coffee - Manager-trainer. 9. HARRODSBURG. KENTUCKY Gordon Stables. Harrodsburg. Kentucky. Boarding. Training. Sales. Phone 731-3781. 4 DRY RIDGE, KENTUCKY 10 HEBRON, KENTUCKY COTTON FARMS. Breeder of Tennessee Walking Horses. Al Stud: SUN'S SECRET WEAPON. B. C. Cotton, owner - R. J Doyle, trainer. Dry Ridge. Kentucky. "Fray" Escue Pontiac Stables. Breeding - Sales • Training. 1 miles from Greater Cincinnati Airport. Hebron, Ky. Phone 689-7676. 5 EDMONTON, KENTUCKY THOMPSON RANCH. Good indoor and outdoor training facilities, selling, showing, and boarding. Also stud services. Carl and Jackie Young, trainers. 6. EUBANK, KENTUCKY Elmer Humphrey 4 Sons Stables Stallions al Stud by: MIDNIGHT SUN. MERRY GO BOY. GO BOY'S SHADOW. Training, buying, and selling Tennessee Walking Horses. 10 miles north of Somerset. High­ way 27. Eubank. Kentucky. 1 1. LAWTON, KENTUCKY STONECREST FARM. Tennessee Walking Horses bought, sold and trained. Home of MIDNITE'S PRIDE M. Kentucky Junior Champion 1965. C. M. Oppenhlmer, owner and trainer. Lawton, Kentucky. Phone 286-2458. SUN'S MIDNIGHT DUKE, Une-bred 62H% MID­ NIGHT SUN blood. Standing at Harllnadale Farm, Franklin, Tennessee. Stud Fee: $100. ELKHORN STABLES. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Wilder, owners. Hensley Stables. Richmond Road, Lexington, Ken­ tucky. At Stud: SHADOW'S CAVALIER and SHA­ DOW'S MERRY WALKER. Jumbo Boyd, manager and trainer. Phone 266-8003. 13. MADISONVILLE, KENTUCKY Henry James Stables. Phone 821-6720, Madisonvllle. Kentucky. Showing Top Amateur — Trained Horses. Amateur Horses for Sale. SHAMROCK STABLES. GO BOY'S HEIR standing at stud. Colts and Brood Mares for sale. Phones: 821-4503 Days; 821-1932 Nights. 14. MIDDLESBORO, KENTUCKY FUSON STABLE. Home of GOLD SUN'S GO BOY. Ben and Tommy Fuson. Phone 243-2278. 15. NEW CASTLE, KENTUCKY Flood and Berry. Registered Tennessee Walking Horses — Brood Mares, Yearlings, Two-Year-Olds for show and pleasure. Call New Castle, Kcntuciy. 346-5397 or 346-5159. HOLLY HILL STABLES. Home of VELVET KITE STAR 591665 and Registered Tennessee Walking Horse Stallion JUBAL 623495. Owners: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ricketts and Miss Sollle Ricketts. Phones: 346-8611 or 346-8511. Visitors, always welcome. 12. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 3-T Farm, DeLong Road. We board, train, show, •buy and sell Registered Tennessee Walking Horses. JcrTy McKechnie. manager. Day phone, 266-0335. Night phone, 268-7972. 1 6 -NICHOLASVILLE, KENTUCKY Standing - SUN'S REFLECTION by MIDNIGHT SUN. first dam SCOTT'S LOVELY LADY, a full brother to SPIRIT OF MIDNIGHT. Breed for Na­ tural Ability, Stamina and Conformation- For Sale; Brood Mares - Pleasure Riding Horses - Show Pros­ pects. George Brumfield - phone 885-4529 evenings. 17 PIKEVILLE. KENTUCKY Home oi MACK'S BLACK GOLD F. Owner Jos­ eph W. Justice, phone 437-7206. A team dedicated to improvement of the breed. 18. PROSPECT, KENTUCKY BIT O' HEAVEN STA3LES. Registered Tennessee Walking Horses boarded, trained, sold, shown. Visit our new modern stable, Robert B. Hensley, owner — Jimmy Collins, manager-trainer. Phone 228-3265. 19. UNION. KENTUCKY Forest View Farms, Inc. Hones bought, bred, sold, and trained. Trainer BUI Carrington. Owner Forest Margrave. Union, Kentucky. Phone 384-3148. Beacon HU1 Farm. Show Horses and Breed Stock for sale at all times. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lovett. Union, Kentucky. Phone 485-4643. 20. UPTON. KENTUCKY HAROLD TERRY STABLES. Registered Walking Horses of all types for sale. Board and Training. At Stud GO BOY ACAIN and THE HI SUN. Owner and Manager. Harold Terry. Trainer Cal Puckett. Phone 502. 369-2531 21 WAVERLY, KENTUCKY Irwin Hancock. Jr., Farm. U. S. Highway 60, RRi. Waverly. Kentucky, phone 2666. Standing at stud: (1) GO BOY'S SUN-UP. black •520612, by MERRY GO BOY out of a MIDNIGHT SUN mare; and (2) SUN-UP'S POWER PAC. sorrel *622343. Weanlings, yearlings, and brood marcs for sale.