1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 November Voice RS | Page 29

WALKING HORSE MAILBOX NAMEPLATES and Lawnmarkers NAMEPLATES - Two Styles —Top Mounting and Side Mounting One Line of Copy $5 50 Two Lines of Copy 6 50 Three Lines of Copy 7 50 (Prices Include Shipping) WH 35 YEARS Horsemen have used TO ORDER Please PRINT or TYPE Name and Address (If Desired) on Separate Sheet o'f Paper and Mail with Check or Money Order to fBMfeiRotjND S tables W or YQ glethqrpe , G a . NOTE Please Put NAME on Line One. ADDRESS on Line Two and CITY on Line Three. NAMEPLATE c/o VOICE Publishing Company P. 0. Box 6052 Chattanooga, Tennessee - 37401 zxic xk : me XJC Wheat Germ Oil Rich unsaturated oils for brilliant, beautiful coat. Rich factors proved to increase endurance and vigor. Rich Vitamin E to help the horse use the unsaturated oils. For Breeding: Rex Oil helps settle Mares; activate Stallions. OWNER TRAINER JACQUELINE KROLL WILLARD TENPENNY 9675 Cunningh am Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45243 Phone: 831-2288 PRICES: Pint $3.50; Quart $6.00; Gallon $19.00 Lower prices In larger quantities. Send for FREE folder #4 (horses); -7?10 (humans). Phone: 831-5525 REX OIL MONTICEUO * ILLINOIS. AMERICA’S FINEST SOURCE FOR WALKING HORSE EQUIPMENT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TAIL SETS Our exclusive design tail set is made of English tan leather, 1 inch double pull, folded breast col­ lar, stuffed pad and 1 inch pad under saddle. Solid brass buckles and rings. Large or small spoon. Write today for cata­ log of our complete line of Walking Horse equipment. FOR EXPERIENCE MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS I HAVE PROMOTED, SUPPLIED AND SERVICED THE BEST INSURANCE FOR SHOW HORSES AND REGISTERED LIVESTOCK AVAILABLE REST AT EASE WHEN YOU INSURE THE No. 1 Leather Sursingle ......... $49.50 No. 2 Web Sursingle - - - - - - - - 47.00 ONAL BRIDLE SHOP p. 0. BOX 292 • PH. EL 9-3210 LEWISBURG, TENNESSEE "RICHARD WAY" SEE, CALL OR WRITE C. C. RICHARD 389-6123 WARTRACE, TENN. VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse