1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 November Voice RS | Page 15

in December. The ranch is in Whitmore, California and according to all reports offers everything necessary for the professional training of top show horses. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are not newcomers in the Walk­ ing Horse business. They have several fine horses in train­ ing at various stables and have some breeding stock and colts of which they are very proud. It is not known whether TROUBLE IN THE HILLS will continue his career in California. He may go back to Dr. Turner Bynum’s farm in Oklahoma City for the winter as he did last year. At any rate, wherever he is found, if he is in show ring competition you can be sure that he will make “trouble” for all comers. He is a great horse and a fine representative of the Tennessee Walking Horse breed . . . TROUBLE IN THE HILLS. Train Your Horses in South Texas GETTING READY — Jim and Diana Babb are pictured as they finished braiding TROUBLE for one of bis fine perfor­ mances. OUR WINTER TEMPERATURES ARE YOUR SUMMERS. BE READY FOR SPRING SHOWS. The story of TROUBLE IN THE HILLS and trainer Jim Babb is a credit to the trust that an owner can and should put in a trainer. Jim Babb has had this stud for most of his show ring career. Since he has been showing TROUBLE, he has won such top shows as the Walking Horse Championship. Little Rock Stallion Class, Missouri State Fair Championship and the stake at Tulsa. Jim and TROUBLE make a good team and have been “trouble” to top class contenders in Missouri and now in Cali­ fornia. A six-year-old black roan with white markings, TROUBLE is a true natural-going Walking Horse. He has a “big lick” running walk and a smooth rolling flat foot. His canter is tops and he puts the “rock” in the rocking chair in this gait. In discussing TROUBLE IN THE HILLS with trainer Jim Babb, he points out that “he can thrill me more than any horse I have ever ridden”. Jim states that he never puts any pressure on this top stallion and that when he is “right” he believes he can beat any horse in the show- ring. The first big West Coast test came last month when Jim headed for the Northern California Walking Horse Show in Sacramento. TROUBLE came on strong on Sat­ urday night under the lights of the arena of the California State Fairgrounds to win the Aged Stallion Class and came back to make an even better performance on Sunday afternoon to take the Grand Championship Stake in a fine class of top contenders. TROUBLE IN THE HILLS is bv the well-known mid-west stallion, SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS and is out of OLD GLORY SUE bv OLD GLORY. He is a full brother to PRIDE OF PANOLA and shows all the attributes of his breeding. Going to California has proved to be a good move for Mr. and Mrs. Babb. They have taken their time in getting settled and for the past three months have been at the Melody Circle Ranch of Mr. Stanley Rcames of Clovis, California. The Babbs have recently accepted a position as trainers for the Blue Mountain Ranch of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith of Red Bluff, California and will move there Have available 6 stables with 14 stalls in each stable. Good outside training facilities. Train outside year round. November, 1966 FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES, GOOD PLEASURE WALKING HORSES j \ BEX FRAZIER STABLES REGISTERED TENNESSEE WALKING HORSES RUDY NIEMAN — TRAINER P.0. Box 33, Mission, Texas, Phone 512-585-4310 ------------------------------------- TOP HORSES BROOD MARES — GO BOY mares in foal to MIDNIGHT SUN — Weanlings by MIDNIGHT SUN - Mares in foal to SUN’S DELIGHT — Top bred young mares by MERRY GO BOY and MIDNIGHT SUN — Top two-year-old and top three-year-old now under saddle and do­ ing well with Middle Tennessee trainer - .Top pleasure mares and riding horses — One good pleasure gelding, child broke — GOOD MARES AND COLTS FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES - WE STRIVE F.OR THE BEST. Also ... a top black four-year-old MIDNIGHT SUN stud out of a LITTLE MERRY BOY mare for sale. THOMAS EATON 420 N. CHANCERY STREET McMINVILLE, TENNESSEE PHONE 473-2875 15