1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 February Voice | Page 16

BARNSTORMING ( Contd .) ( Continued from Page 14 )
Horse trainers . I will be visiting Mr . Gordon soon to see his fine horses work and will have more news to report .
Mr . and Mrs . Escue . owners of the 1963 World ' s Champion SUN ’ S DELIGHT are hitting the trail to show on the “ Sunshine Circuit .” The Escue horses are kept in top shape by Mr . Joe Martin who was recently wed to Miss Judy Wiser . Kentucky will be well represented by this fine stable . Good luck to all , especially CHIP .
Don Bell and “ Tady ” Holland have re-opened the Arnold Farm in Winchester . Tennessee and are operating it as a public training stable . Don Bell is the young man who rode JOHNNY MIDNIGHT on the Southern Circuit last fall . “ Tady ” Holland is a long-time breeder of Walking Horses and has had a good deal of experience with our breed . Among the horses they are presently working are a threevear-old HANDSHAKER stallion for T . E . Mitchell of Petersburg . Tennessee — only started last fall , but coming right along ; a promising black PIDDLEY filly for Jim Hannah of Decherd , Tennessee ; a fine MIDNIGHT GOLD SUN filly for Auburn Gray of Belvidere , Tennessee ; and of course “ Tady ’ s ” own bay three year old stallion , which made some good shows in the two year old classes last year , is improving and learning to canter . They have room for a few more horses , and visitors will find a warm welcome . JIMMY WADDELL STABLES
On our way from Collierville , Tennessee , to Jackson , for the annual Mid-South Horse Show Association meeting , we stopped by at the Jimmy Waddell Stables in Brownville , Tennessee . After a too tempting lunch of real country ham sandwiches and home made cocoanut pie . we followed the crowd to the stable where Jimmy obliged us with a two hour display of some of the finest stock in the country .
Jimmy , famous for his ability to come out year after year with winning young horses is again causing concern among his competitors . In the group that pondered these horses with us were Dickie and Russell Pate and Jimmy Holloway , all considered among the best . They all agreed that Jimmy should again be in the running this year .
Some of the young horses we saw under saddle were : A black stud two year old owned by M . L . Magnusson and L . H . Gaines of Blytheville , Arkansas , that is making real progress ; a black fillynamed PERFECTION ’ S HULA , owned by Hayes Burnette of Germantown . She is showing ability and go ; the high priced MIDNIGHT SUN , two year old stud colt that Jimmy bought at the Harlinsdale Sale for Mr . Chester Coon of California . He is a big horse with loose going way ' s and from where we stood he looked as if he was really ' worth the money ; and a big red sorrel stud colt with a flax mane and tail that seemed to be the “ most talked about ” young horse in the barn . Owned by Mr . Bob Lindsey of Little Rock , Arkansas , this horse could very well be another of those “ things ” from Brownsville .
In the Junior ranks Jimmy will again be pushing everyone in sight with his World ’ s Champion Filly , SHADOW ’ S PERFECTION S , the outstanding black filly owned by Schaeffer Farms , Jackson , Tennessee , that tied Reserve in the Two Year Old Stake last year . He will also be in the running with MESHACK , a tremendous mahogany bay aged stallion owned by Frank Parnell of Newburn , Tennessee and DARK MAGIC , a top aged black stud horse also owned by Mr . Parnell .
Big news at the Waddell Stables was the return of GO BOY ’ S BLACK JACK to show ring competition . It ’ s true ! Jimmy Waddell is scheduled to get the horse shortly and Captain E . A . Self states that the horse has fully recuperated from his year-long bout with several illnesses and is in the best shape of his life .
JIM LINDSEY STABLES The biggest news to hit the Walking Horse scene in the Northern part of the country recently is the new Jim Lindsey Stables in Souderton , Pennsylvania . Jim , who had been in the horse business as a trainer for some years , has the largest facilities in this area . His barn is 220 feet long and has large box stalls 12 ’ xl2 ’ wide with a thirty foot wide riding hall . He is open for business now , boarding , training , buying and selling . He has on hand several good show horses and some pleasure horses for sale .
Not catering specifically t o Walking Horses , Jim will also work Western , three gaited , five gaited , hunters-jumpers and others . He has two of the best Parade Horses in the country for sale right now : TOM TERRIFIC and SWEET­ HEART ON PARADE .
Some of the horses in training at the present time are : A Chestnut stallion by the BOMBARDIER that is doing an outstanding job . This horse is owned by Dr . Ruth Brenner of Manheim , Pennsylvania . He will be shown as an amateur horse and an open stake class horse this season and will also stand to a few select mares . Miss Joanna Jackson of Sellersville , Pennsylvania owns an outstanding grey mare that will show as an amateur horse . Also . . .
Miss Sandra Charles of Plymouth Meeting , Pennsylvania , has a big doing Chestnut gelding by SPUR ALLEN out of a HALL AL­ LEN mare . Mr . Bert Shaeffer of Doylestown , Pa . owns a real good gelding by MERRY GO BOY , that will give an excellent account of himself this year , having had a very successful season last year .
Mr . Claude Kline of Boyertown , Pennsylvania , has his bold going gelding by SUNDUST , and he is in the pink of condition , having done an outstanding job of showing last season .
Mrs . E . W . Barnes is very happy with her good young GO BOY mare , GO BOY ’ S EBONY MISS . This is a beautiful black mare with stripe in face . She has a wild way of going and has a great future .
16 VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse