1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 January Voice | Page 14

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The news from Florida this month is interesting and informative but fairly disconnected ; therefore , your Roving Reporter has decided to present it in memo form . You may wish to make a note , either mental or written :
THAT at the December meeting of the Florida Walking Horse Association the members decided to put on an extensive membership campaign . Also it was decided to help popularize the Walking Horse at fairs and shows by offering to supply Walking Horses for exhibition purposes without charge .
THAT Jake Ellis , of Sarasota , Florida , is the new Secretary- Treasurer of the Florida Walking Horse Association .
THAT Peg Vliet , of Miami , Florida , an outstanding horsewoman , died some weeks ago .
THAT Mrs . Paul Randolph , of Clearwater , Florida , is back in the saddle and will be showing her Tennessee Walking Horses in the Florida Circuits . She has fully recovered from a back injury which she suffered in an accident that took place in Montgomery , Alabama when a horse knocked over a portable stall .
THAT Wallace Brandon has two young Walking Horses in training for Randolph Farms and hopes to have them ready to show in Florida .
THAT there are two Circuits in Florida . The Sunshine Circuit comprises three shows which are in Winter Haven , Del Ray Beach , and Miami . The Orange State Circuit likewise has three shows which are in Largo , Tampa , and Gainesville . The Palm Beach and Orlando shows are operated independently .
THAT a caption in the Tampa Tribune read : “ President Johnson was astride his Tennessee Walking Horse .” ( This was in connection with the picture that appeared showing dignitaries at his ranch .)
THAT Walking Horse enthusiasts visiting Florida are always welcome to visit the barns and farms owned by the following people ; Randolph Farms , Clearwater ; Dr . & Mrs . M . Silver , Bradenton ; R . D . Keene , Orlando ; L . Frank Roper , Winter Garden ; Floyd Purcell , Orlando ; and C . E . Bradshaw , Orlando . All these owners have trainers who will gladly give you a personally conducted tour .
THAT a partial list of judges for Walking Horse classes in Florida shows includes : Phin Horton , Jr ., Winter Haven ; Mrs . Charles Crabtree — Del Ray Beach ; Buddy Black — Gainesville ; and Charles Bobo — Orlando . ( This is unofficial .)
THAT the entry blank for the Winter Haven Show running January 29 through February 2 requires all exhibitors to have an interstate health certificate plus a federal health certificate for screw worms using Form 2-48 or 5-48 .
THAT the winner of the Walking Horse Stake in the Gainesville Horse Show on December 15 was BROWN TROUBLE , ridden and owned by Liz Peterson of Jacksonville , Florida . Harold Leonard of Miami judged the show .
THAT a new film on horses will be supplied to me by the ownerseditors of the VOICE . I shall be happy to show this film before service clubs and other gatherings and comment on the value of a horse show to a city . If you would like for me to show the film or
make a talk contact me at Gulf Winds Apartments , St . Petersburg Beach , Florida .
* * *
There are pro ’ s and con ’ s on any subject in the universe . Here are some diverse opinions that have come in through the mail concerning the advisability of encouraging young people to ride :
“ You may love your horse , but you are kidding yourself if you think that love is returned . He may tolerate you and even whinny at your approach , but down deep he resents you . Give him a real chance to make an issue and see what happens .
“ Any person who trusts a horse is a blood brother to the fool who rocks the boat . Any horse that is worth riding is dangerous and your life is brought into actual peril the minute you trust him .
“ I suspect that those who ride for sport are imbued with a foggy something similar to the era of the knight . My guess is that mounted in a saddle they picture themselves as romantic heroes of old . That ’ s all right if you like it , but I don ’ t go along . . . So , Mr . Horselover , for the reasons stated above , I think it is unwise to introduce children to horses .”
— R . W . Ellias , Winter Haven , Florida .
A physical education teacher offers this opinion v / hich is quite the opposite of the one just quoted :
“ Few of us ns through childhood and adol ease without experiencing the burning desire to own a horse . A horse represents companionship , responsibility , l ° ^e and understanding to a child . The knowledge that a horse is dependent on him for care and direction can play an important part in the development of a young persons personality and character . A sure path to responsible adulthood is learning early in life the pride and responsibility of owning an intelligent animal . Adults should foster the natural interest and enthusiasm of youth toward riding .”
— Carmen Botts Martin , St . Petersburg , Fla .
( Continued on Page 31 )