1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 December Voice | Page 14

WRIGHT FAMILY (Continued from Page 12) program. These studs are GO BOY’S HEIR, by MERRY GO BOY out of a mare by DOC’S MID­ NIGHT by MIDNIGHT SUN and out of a double-bred MERRY BOY mare. Right now on the farm we still have several top bred yearling colts for sale while at Mr. Wright’s Show Stable in Richmond, Ken­ tucky, there are between twenty and twenty-five coming two year old colts in training under Bob Gilmore’s supervision. Most of these colts are by GO BOY’S HEIR, DOC’S MIDNIGHT, MER­ RY GO BOY, MIDNIGHT SUN, MAJOR WILSON, MACK K’S HANDSHAKER, MIDNIGHT BOMB, SUN’S QUARTERBACK, and several other top stallions. My two favorite show mares at the barn are WICKED WITCH and MERRY MAID, both by GO BOY’S HEIR. There are also two top coming three year old horses, one by GO BOY’S HEIR and one by MIDNIGHT BOMB. Both look as if they are headed for the top and I can’t wait. I am looking forward to next summer when Eddie, Jim and I will be seeing all our old horse show friends. OUR LIMRICKS ARE CORNY— OF THIS WE’RE AWARE BUT YOU WILL BE HAPPY IF YOU ARE THERE IN THE STALLION DIRECTORY FOR SIXTY-FIVE YOUR BREEDING PROGRAM WILL SURELY THRIVE! ALWAYS FOR SALE Horte* of all Kind* — Featuring Colt* by MIDNIGHT SUN, MERRY GO BOY, GUNSMOKE, GO BOY’S SHADOW, MID­ NIGHT MACK K, and other leading *ire*. Brood Mare*. Amateur Hor*e* a *peci- alty. If you have a hor*e to tell or want to buy one, let u* know your need*. DON BOLLINGER STABLES California, Mittouri Phone SW 6-4888 14 the tf C BY Alelha Wiehl KlcrthueAt Cornet At Christmas time the old refrains Are ones we love the best And hearty greetings from our friends Still make us happiest. So in the good old-fashioned way This greeting comes to bring Best wishes to you all next year In each and everything! This is the time of year we in the Northwest corner wish we could follow the birds South, and take our Walkers right along with us. For, except for those fortunate few who have indoor riding facili­ ties, wind and cold, ice and snow, make riding more of a chore than a pleasure. A big corral is a bless­ ing. The long-line gets worked overtime. And, only occasionally, when the sun is especially bright and shining, and the horses eager to go, do we saddle up and head for the hills. We’re not the only sissies who don’t care for cold toes or slipping and sliding on frozen ground. But, I must admit there are many hardy souls who miss not one day of riding all winter, rain or shine, snow or sleet. In my book they belong to the “mail must go thru” or “show must go on” category. True candidates for the Croix de Guerre. But to me, when the wind is howling outside, and the thermo­ meter dips lower and lower, a crackling fire in the fireplace with a gathering of friends, or a good book, is like a ringside seat in heaven! A good time to reminisce, a good time to plan ahead, and a good time to do a hundred and one little things that can be done “indoors” that never seem to get done when the weather is warm and balmy. High in the “reminisce” field be­ longs a beautiful sunny autumn day in the middle of November in Walla Walla, Washington. On No­ vember 15th, the Inland Empire Tennessee Walking Horse Associa­ tion met at the Evergreen Club­ house there for a truly delicious potluck luncheon. “Luncheon? Well, it was at high noon, but the table looked like a banquet” if I ever saw one. Roast turkey and dressing and all the trimmings, cranberry sauce, baked ham baked right, warm pies (home made), hot biscuits (home made), angel food cake (home made), whipped cream, creamed potatoes, several varieties of delicious salads, etc, etc. Do you wonder they had a turn-out of close to fifty, including guests? After the luncheon many members left for the Fairgrounds to get their horses ready for exhibition. Others stayed for the short bus­ iness meeting, the purpose of which was election of officers for the coming year. The race for presi­ dent was a heated one (Barry Goldwater received one vote — and who rides the Walkers?) but Byron Leeper emerged the new Prexy. Mrs. Dale Lane takes on the responsibility of Vice-President, and is hoping Vi keeps Byron in good health. Jane Pederson is sec­ retary - treasurer and is looking for something to put in the treasury. Vi Leeper consented to carry on with “Walker Talk”, the news let­ ter all members look forward to with so much interest, almost the life-line of the organization. All the newly elected officers were from Spokane except Violet Lane of Walla Walla. The famous Wagon Wheelers re­ linquished their time at the Fair­ grounds on this Sunday afternoon so the Walking Horse people could put on their exhibition. The Walla VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse