1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 January Voice | Page 5

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 3 Your Roving Reporter Charles R. Goldswig Dateline: St. Petersburg Beach, Fla. From My Mail Bag: I am so very appreciative of the many Christmas and Holiday Greet­ ings. One letter from Sue and Bob Fahrendorf of Zenia, near Dayton, Ohio was so clever and timely that I want to share it with you. (By the way the Fahrendorls play a major part in putting on the Dayton Horse Show which also features many Walk­ ing Horse classes) : Thornhill Farm R. R. 6 Xenia, Ohio Dec. 15, 1962 Dear Charlie and Della Darling: It is really Bob’s turn to write the letter this year but, while I'm wait­ ing for him to gel started, I’ll just jot down a few things. We have been living in this house for four years now and we have spent most of the time in the kitchen. Oc- casionally newcomers will come in and sit down in the living room but then, somehow, Sue will start to play the organ and they gradually drift back to the kitchen. This place is sort of a hodgepodge of more or less the usual sink, stove and ice box arrange­ ment, plus a fireplace, the television, the record player and an assortment of beat-up furniture. At any rate, everyone eventually settles here and that leaves the living room entirely to the dog—who wouldn’t dream of sleeping on the gold velvet Victorian settee. It has been quite an eventful year here at Thornhill. The greatest of these was the arrival of the colt on April 27th. His dam, Stonyridgc Souvenir, failed to accept him and, in fact, tried to kill him. So, at midnight, Susie Fahrendorf and Susie Fallang, our veterinarian's wife, were scouting the countryside in search of a baby's nursing bottle. Susie Land, a neigh­ bor, produced a Dr. Pepper bottle with a lamb's nipple and, from then on through August, Susie Fahrendorf made formula for this rascal. Al­ though his registered name is Erin Bloom, we call him Didy Pins for obvious reasons. Bobby (a son) graduated from Cha- minade and entered Ohio State Uni­ versity with the intention of studying veterinary medicine. With the kind of stock we have on hand, he can make a fortune right here at home. The newly formed Miami Valley Hunt comes through the farm some­ times and they allow us to tag along behind. We found, to our surprise, that our saddlebred horse, Where’s The Fire, can jump the creeks and ditches with the rest of them. He does this not so much to join in the spirit of the thing, but simply to keep his feet from getting wet. Bob is about to become a turncoat and is hankering for a hunter. You can be sure that my next one will be a Walking Horse— an old gelding, naturally. We found an antique surrey, which had been completely renovated, and it became ours for Bob’s birthday. It is black with scarlet running gear, up­ holstery, carpet and the top, which folds down, is also lined in scarlet. This rig has afforded us much pleasure, with the possible exception of the night that Bob took the Bos­ wells and Maggie Thomson for a moonlight ride. What he didn't know then is that the moon does not light up the woods at night. This unfor­ tunate group became hopelessly lost in the dark and, instead of letting the horse bring them out, they disem­ barked and tried to lead him. Now if there is one thing the Boy Genius knows for sure, it’s the shortest and fastest way home. Indignant at being led, he soon took matters out of their hands and the result was more or less what one might expect . . . smash­ ed the wheel, tore up some harness. . you know. The repairs involved two trips to the Houghton Sulky Com­ pany, plus the new wheel, making the overall cost of this trinket one whale of a birthday present. We have grass now. Or, shall we say that the ground is covered. The man at the hardware store assured Bob that it was a rapid growing, broad leafed variety. We don’t have to tell you what it was. We will say this: We now hold the undisputed distinction of being the only people who de- tConlinued on page 5) The City Of WINTER HAVEN, FLORIDA extends a most cordial welcome to all exhibitors and spectators to attend The Imperial Charity Horse Show scheduled for January 23 through 27 At The Imperial Show Grounds