1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 February Voice | Page 29

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 27 A Quiz Column Answers Asked Where I can get a size 16 pattern [or making a riding coat? I sew and would like to make my own riding coat. Mrs. Reid Estess, Jr. Box 222, Kentwood, La. Where I can get a Calendar with a Tennessee Walking Horse on it? I would love to have one and would Mark Your Tack I WILLIAM E.TTULAN “ '\ r- v ItlEPHONE MU J-SB12 118 CARUSli AVE. SHELBYVILLE, TENN. - \ 01 J SOLID BRASS NAME PLATES 2, 3 or 4 lines of large type. Measure 5/a" x 2 %" long. Free rivets for at­ taching. 50p each, 6 for $1.50, 12 for $2.50 25 for $4.75, 50 for $8.50 post­ paid. All plates made alike at these prices. Free folder on Dog Training Equip­ ment, Plain and Fancy Collars, leashes, etc. HULAN LEATHER SHOP P. O. Box 2111, Shelbyville, Tenn. pay lor one if necessary. Marie Staple- ton, Box 111, Germantown, Ky. Where I can get a picture of Gold Bond-420919? I want it for a gift to a friend who has a mare sired by Gold Bond. A3c Lee Roger Taylor, Jr., 14792606 Box 436, Det. No. 1, 3345 Tech School, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. Exhibitors Form Oregon Assn.; Elect Officers Organization of the Tennessee Walking Horse Exhibitor’s Associa­ tion of Oregon was formally com­ pleted at a meeting in Eugene, Ore. on Jan. 12, according to Mrs. Robert Blaine, publicity correspondent. Officers are: President, Lew Will­ Wanted the names of Tennessee iams, 2020 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Walking Horse Breeders in the South­ Ore.; First Vice-president, Robert J. ern California Area. Kathleen Kauff­ Blaine, Portland; Second Vice-presi­ man, 1360 Taft Street, Escondido, dent, Charles Court, The Dalles; Calif. Secretary-treasurer, Mitzi Williams, How to make my Walking Horse Eugene; Publicity Correspondent, stop pacing when I want him to walk? Mrs. Robert Blaine, 12170 West It is annoying to have a Walking Stark, Portland 10, Ore. Others listed as charter members Horse that won't “walk” when you want him to. There are no trainers in are; and Mrs. A1 Eppenbaugh, and these parts, and I need help on this. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Webb of Red­ Mrs. Thomas Conrad, Box 29, Valley mond; Dr. Dale G. Parker, Salem; Farms, Arizona. Marilyn M. Hamlin, Medford; Paul Wanted a job on a ranch by a E. Duncan, Beaverton; Viola E. Ship- man, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. John R. horse-loving man and his family. Taylor, LaGrande; Mr. and Mrs. Experienced in all phases, including Alton Hemingson of Bend; Sherman breaking, training and breeding A. Brock, The Dalles; horses. Home recently burned—a total Bill Newman, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. loss. Write J. O. Bryant, Rt. 1, Box 9, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jeffries, Grass So. Haven, Kansas. Valley; Dr. Howard Roberts, Walla Walla; John W. Lamers, Corvallis; H. B. Murphy, Medford; Mr. and Mrs. William Spies, Lebanon; Chester Gillespie, Creswell; Raymond E. Hart, Seaside; and the following from Eugene, Cecil Saxon, Jr., Sydney Ann Take Your Pick From R.obbins, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Stains- by; Daniel B. Bond. TENNESSEE WALKIN G HORSES FOR SALE Over 100 Horses To 8 AMATEUR HORSES-Anyone Can Show or Ride 5 GOOD YOUNG BROOD MARES by Setting Sun and Little Merry Boy in Foal to Merry Go Boy One Mare In Foal To Merry Go Boy Black Mare Bred To Midnight Sun COME AND TAKE YOUR PICK NOW AT STUD MERRY BOY'S F88 GORDON'S MERRY BOY ) $50.00 ) SEASON RETURN PRIVILEGE SAM PASCHAL STABLES Murfreesboro, Tenn. Phone 893-7248 At Stud Go Boy's EASTER SON Sire: Merry Go Boy No. 431336 Dam: Jane's Glamor Girl 521201 FEE $75.00 To A Few Select Mares at BY-PASS STABLES Russell Beals, Prop. Jonesboro, Tennessee Phone 753-4234 Shown by Kenneth Huffine Jonesboro, Tenn. Owners: Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Hughes Route 6—Johnson City, Tenn.