1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 February Voice | Page 27

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse

Voice Party Line Is Ringing Again !

Shadow Stays At Jackson With Bailey Stables
Go Boy ' s Shadow , twice grand champion of the Tennessee Walking Horse World ( as a 3-year-old and a 4-year-old ) will not be sold and will stand the season as usual at the H . C . Bailey Stables in Jackson , Miss ., the Voice Editor was informed by Mr . Bailey at the Mid-South Horse Sliorvs Assn , meeting on Feb . 11 at Jackson , Term . Trainer-Manager Jim Dunn ivill be in charge . The Voice previously in its January issue reported the stallion ivcis to be sold to a syndicate for a reported record price of $ 200,000 and was to be used in a syndicated breeding program . o o o ‘ Walking Mac Allen ’ Is Christinas Present
Mrs . G . H . Case of Route 1 , Carbon , Ind , says she received a Tennessee Walking Horse as a Christmas present .
“ We are new owners of two Walking Horses ,” she reports .
“ My husband bought his first in partnership with another man and I began to learn riding on him . He is “ Arrow ” by Midnight Sun .
“ My Christmas present was a 6-yearold Walking horse , ‘ Walking Mac- Alien .’
“ My husband says I ’ m ‘ horse silly ’ and he is afraid he ’ ll come home one day to find I ’ ve brought ‘ Mac ’ into the house .
“ I have considered it but with my four small children there isn ’ t room . Most of the men who attend the field trails use Walking Horses . There is nothing like the picture of a procession of Tennessee Walkers following the dogs .”
( Note — Cannot think of a more appreciated Christmas present than this gift to Mrs . Case . Her testimony about field trials represents the concensus of many views . It appears to be almost unanimous .
Minnesotan To Tell Club About The TWH
Joseph E . Cook of 1560 Northdale Blvd ., Coon Rapids , Minn ., says he is thoroughly sold on the Tennessee Walking Horse and wants to help promote the breed through a saddle club in which he is a member . His wife helped arouse his interest in the Walking Horse and they acquired “ Magic Rambler ,” with whom they are much pleased .
“ We belong to a saddle club that has adopted a program of educational meetings ,” wrote Reader Cook .
“ Because we are unable to afford experts in the various fields of horsemanship , we pass the ‘ duty ’ on from one member to the other each month . It is the responsibility of that member to study any subject he chooses and pass the information on to the others .
“ Our turn is coming soon and because of our newly acquired love , we would like to discuss the Walking Horse ,” he says in seeking all available information on the subject .”
o o o Girl Trains Horse While At College Miss Carol Wooten , junior at Mississippi State College for Women at

Pedigreed Walkers For Sale Registered Walkers For Sale Choice Yearling Studs , Fillies and Mares . Come and see the 1962 foals .

Bar 7 T Ranch
On the shores of Beautiful FLATHEAD LAKE , On U . S . 93 — 35 miles south of Kalipsell , Montana
ELMO , Montana
Columbus , Miss ., is training her horse and going to college at the same time — according to an illustrated article that appeared in the Birmingham ( Ala .) Post-Herald . She is the daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Lester E . Wooten of Decatur , and her father is superintendent of the Morgan County Schools .
When Carol was a tenth grader her parents gave her a 2-year-old filly , then during her freshman year at Judson College they gave her 2-yearold Lady of Haven , a Tennessee Walking Horse , a granddaughter of Midnight Sun and Merry Go Boy .
On transfer to the Columbus institution Carol decided to take her horse so she could train her at a local stable in preparation for show competition .
132-Page Lexington Paper Includes Horse Activities
Our good friend , Gordon H . Wilder of P . O . Box 1049 , Lexington , Ky ., sent us a copy of that 132-page edition of the Sunday Herald-Leader ’ s annual Bluegrass Review and Forecast .
It is a striking portrayal of the assets of the Lexington area — including almost 48 pages devoted to horses and the horse industry .
Naturally there is emphasis upon the racing activity , the big Thoroughbred establishments , the history of this important phase of horse business and related enterprises . This edition is certainly a treasure chest for persons interested in such events . It is dated Jan . 12 , 1963 .
The advertisement for Mr . Wilder ’ s Loom and Needle establishment naturally highlights the Tennessee Walking Horse — carrying a picture of Sun ’ s Mary Miller , a yearling daughter of the famous Midnight Sun . It also states that the Tennessee Walking Horse is the “ world ’ s greatest pleasure horse .” The horse is named for Mrs . Wilder .
Shown with the horse is Nancy Nickell , a University of Kentucky art major and an expert horsewoman . “ Do come in the Loom and graze around in our new “ Filly Shop ,” says the ad . “ You will find it filled with fashion excitements chosen with the high spirited young ladies of filly age in the Blue Grass in mind .”