1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 February Voice | Page 22

20 February , 1963
Stud Registry By States
SUNS ACE OF SPADES ( by Midnight Sun ) standing at Lakeside Farms , Highway 79 between Guntersville and Scottsboro . Phone 582-5680 , Guntersville , Ala .
ALABAMA GO BOY ’ S PRINCE ( shown as Go Boy ’ s Millionaire ) at Lakeside Farms , Highway 79 between Guntersville and Scottsboro . Fee $ 100 . Phone 582- 5680 . Guntersville , Ala .
Arkansas RODGERS ’ PERFECTION at Dr . Porter Rodgers ’ Farm , Searcy , Ark . Fee $ 500 . Phone 5-2830 .
MERRY DOUGHBOY , by Merry Boy ( by Roan Allen F-38 ) , out of Rosalita ( by Ward ’ s Golden Allen ) . Standing Merrywood Farm , Rt . 1 — Box 669 , 35758 Ivy Ave ., Yucaipa , Calif . Phone : Pyramid 27053 . Fee § 100 . Owner : Robert E . Dipper , 3130 Crescent Avenue . San Bernardino , Calif . Phone : Tl ’ mer 22076 .
LITTLE SOCIETY KING 471726 from Davis Silver Lady 421265 and Little Society Man 422242 , who came from two of Tennessee ' s best known sires , Miller ’ s Wilson Allen and Brantley ’ s Roan Allen , standing at the H & M Stables , 7061 Atlantic Ave ., Long Beach , Calif . Phone ME 0-4227 or ME- 3-7693 .
DARE DEVIL , by Cruising Along 391191 out of Black Gift 400917 at The Reagan ’ s Walking R Ranch , 6505 Chenywood Ave ., Bakersfield , Calif . Phone 399-4763 . DIAMOND STROLLER , 613111 , by Diamond Red , 453580 , out of Frosty YorBh , 540701 at H & M Stables , 7061 Atlantic Ave ., Long Beach , 5 , Calif . Phone Metcalf 0-4227 . SIMPKIN ’ S SHOWBOY by Dunn ’ s Trouble Maker by Midnight Sunset by Midnight Sun , out of Miss Stepover by My Choice by Wartrace . Fee § 100 , standing at Auburn , Calif . Phone Turner 5-5787 , owner Charlie Simpkins .
CHEYENNE THUNDER , by Dunn ’ s Trouble Maker ( by Midnight Sunset ) out of Cheyenne Maiden ( by Admiral Gleaves ). Fee § 100 . Standing at Leonard Dunn ’ s Walking Horse Stable , 726 DeiPaso Road , North Sacramento , Calif . Phone WA 5-9386 . Owners , Ted and Virginia Lamb , 2901 37th Ave . Sacramento . DOUGHBOYS JEZEBEAU , at Walking M Farm , Rt . 2 , Box 2828 Loomis , Calif ., on Auburn-Folsom Road . Fee § 100 . Phone Oliver 2-7345 . Owners , Mr . and Mrs . Kenneth T . Morris . TAWNY UPTOWN by Stately Go Boy ( by Merry Go Boy ) out of granddaughter , Last Chance and Wilson ' s Allen . Lester and Helen Porter , 6444 Hickory , Orangevale ( Sacramento ), Calif .
Indiana GOLD SHADOW at Arnold Habig Stables , Jasper , Indiana . Phones , day 1119-K , night 1270-K .
ROLLING SUN , by Midnight Sun ; dam , Nina Sue by Old Glory out of Stepping Fetching Ann . Phone 293-3386 , Mrs . Keith C . Hootman , Keosaugua , Iowa , Rural Route 9 .
MIDNITE PLEASURE , Jr . by Midnite Pleasure R . G . by Midnight Sun , out of Lady Night by Midnight Sun . Fee § 50 . Phone 824-3579 . Warren D . Eyre , Rt . 1 , Grundy Center , Iowa .
Kentucky GO-BOY ’ S SUN-UP at Luther Hankins ' Stables , U . S . 41-A , Madisonville , Kentucky . Phones : day , Madisonville TA 1-4237 , night , Providence MO 7-5568 . MIDNIGHT BEAU Midnght Sun out of Snip ’ s Chance ( Last Chance .) Powell Stables , Phone 789-3171 , Fee § 100 . Paintsville , Ky .
Michigan GO BOY ' S SENTINEL at FI . Hayner ’ s Valley Dale Farm , Galesburg , Michigan ; Fee § 100 . Phone Kalamazoo FI 2-5370 evenings .
PARADER ’ S PRIDE , No . 430956 . Fee § 50 , at Dr . Dean Yarian Stables . Lake Elmo , Minn . 7 miles east of St . Paul , Minn . Phones 777-3592 or 777-2368 .
Mississippi GO BOY ’ S RED D . at Circle Stables , West Point , Mississippi . Fee § 50 . Phone 797 . GO BOY ’ S SHADOW at H . C . Bailey ' s Stables , Jackson , Miss . Fee $ 150 . Phones EM 2-5778 and FL 5-4511 .
Missouri SUN ’ S RISE AND SHINE B 570601 , by Midnight Sun out of Jef ’ s Betsey Allen , at Parkwood Stables , DeSoto , Mo . Route 2 . Fee § 100 . Owner , W . F . ( Bud ) Marsden . Phones GI 6-3765 and GI 6-2451 .
WALKING GO BOY , by Merry Go Boy at Rainwood Stable , Inc ., Jim Torrens , owner , 10808 Rainwood Road , Omaha , 12 , Nebraska .
North Carolina GO BOY ’ S REBEL No . 54088 by Merry Go Boy out of Scottie Bell . Dr . H . M . Poteat , Rebel Farm , Smithfield , N . C . BONNER ’ S MIDNIGHT No . 580701 , ( by Society Man ) . W . II . Tadlock , Phone Madison 4-2831 , Marshville , N . C .
SHADOW ' S HEADMAN 581347 , standing at J . B . Hobbs ’ barn , 900 Marsh Road , Charlotte , N . C . Phone FRanklin 5-1750 . Fee § 75 . Owner , Jay Engineering Co ., Charlotte .
North Dakota LIBERACE ’ S PLAYBOY , fee $ 100 ; and MERRY BOY ' S MAJOR , fee $ 75 , at Calvin Miller ' s Stables , Rhame , North Dakota . Phone BR 9-3420 . j
Your Stallion Listed Here For $ 2 A Morath Please Pay Sn Advance
Ohio THE PENNSYLVANIAN at Walking " H ” Farm , Box 116 , Chardon , Ohio . George and Dorothy Holmes , owners . Phone Chardon 5-4931 or 6-3641 .
Oregon MACK K . BIGRED 610115 by Diamond Lil Man by Midnight Mack K . by Midnight Sun out of Viki Allen ( Giovanni mare ). Phone 343-5617 . Sydney Robbins , 2424 Madrona Drive , Eugene , Oregon .
South Carolina
NIGHT AIR — by Midnight Sun — out of a Giovanni mare . Looks , conformation , speed , natural fast , high-going stud — never chain sore or boot sore , nor blistered — siring excellent colts — sound — good manners — a real black beauty . H . G . Stackhouse , Po-Boy Farm , Marion , S . C .
OUR SUN DUST 530014 by Midnight Sun out of Mary Gold Allen ( by Last Chance ) . Mrs . Harold Major , Rt . 2 , Anderson , S . C . Phone Canal 5-8089 .
MERRY MAKER , standing the season at W . C . Byford ’ s Barn , located at Gum , Tenn . 8 miles south of Murfreesboro , Tenn . on U . S . 41 . Fee § 75 . Phone Murfreesboro exchange 893-6815 .
JOHN WILSON ALLEN , by Wilson ’ s Allen , and JOHNS MAVERICK , by John Wilson Allen , standing for pasture breeding . Fee § 50 in foal . Holland ’ s Farm , Decherd , Tenn . Phones 932-5916 and 932-5587 .
MIDNIGHT ’ S ESQUIRE at Alex Robinson Stables , Box 326 , 10562 Poplar Pike , Memphis ( Collierville ), Tennessee . Fee § 50 . Phone 853-2757 . MIDNIGHT GOLD SUN at J . G . Walker ’ s Stables , Wartrace , Tenn ., Fee $ 75 . Phone FU 9-6190 . SETTING SUN , fee $ 100 ; MERRY BOY ’ S F-88 fee $ 50 ; and GORDON ’ S MERRY BOY , fee § 50 , all at Sam Paschall ’ s Stables , Murfreesboro , Tenn . Phone 873-7248 . SON OF MIDNIGHT at H . F . Worrell ’ s Solitude Stock Farm , Goodlettsville , Tenn . Old Dickerson Road . Phone UL 9-1177 . Fee $ 150 . SUN ' S GUN SMOKE at Toby Green ’ s Stables , Shelby ville , Tenn . Fee $ 100 . Phone MU 4-5572 . MIGHTY SUN , by Midnight Sun out of Merry Midge at Elmore Brock ’ s Stables , Sparta , Tenn . Fee § 100.00 .
TEXAS MERRY BOY ’ S FLASH by Merry Boy ; dam , Trail Blazer by Frank Wilson ’ s Allen . Floyd ’ s Walking Horse Farm , Rt . 1 , Denison , Texas — East Texas State Road .
GO ALONG BOY , by Merry Boy out of a Merry Boy mare . Fee § 100 . Phone GL 2- 4453 . David Turner , 5822 Trailridge Drive , Austin , Texas .