1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 September Voice | Page 30

28 September , 1962
How Walker Riding-Editorial ( Continued from Page 1 )
This Ohio friend said substantially : " Here in our own group , we have a good example . One of our members has a daughter who has weak eyes . The child insisted upon reading so much that they were afraid she would really go blind . So they bought her a Tennessee Walking Horse to provide another interest . The girl fell in love
Goldswig Says ( Continued from Page 27 ) the parish house of the Church of the Redeemer , Episcopal , in Shelbyville , Also present were members of the Buckeye Walking Horse Assn , of Ohio . Goldswig is a winter resident of St . Petersburg and a summer resident of Char-Del Farm , Route 1 , Box 430 , Clayton , O .; near Dayton . He is a retired Insurance Executive .
“ There is no comparison with being in other horse shows ,” declared Goldswig . He competed in every show in the Florida Sunshine Circuit last winter and took reserve championship honors for the circuit with points won on his Gelding , Midnight Special .
“ Being part of the Celebration is like a ball player called up from the minor leagues and suddenly finding himself playing shortstop in the World ’ s Series ,” Goldswig went on . “ It ' s just the greatest thrill ever in the field of spoils .
“ I did not receive a ribbon — and I didn ' t expect one ,” Goldswig went on . “ But the thrill was there — so clear , so sharp , so personal .”
Goldswig said he had heard the the “ play ball ” opening the World ’ s Series ; the opening bell of the great boxing matches attended by thousands upon thousands ; the cry “ they ’ re off ” at the Kentucky Derby ; Lhe referee ’ s “ shrill whistle ” opening the Army-Navy game , but none of these compare with the feeling of a horse under you , competing with the best from elsewhere , and the animal and the person are acting as one .
“ I want to express appreciation to Ben Green for making this great thrill possible ,” Goldswig continued . “ He secured the house for us through the Chamber of Commerce , he encouraged me to bring my own horse , and he arranged this meeting for our group in his own church where he is a layleader .
“ My horse was proud , my wife was proud and I was pleased as punch .
This participation is beyond doubt my most heart-filling experience of its kind in all my life ,”
“ So I must cast my vote for the Celebration . It tops them all for real thrills in American sporting events ,
“ Am I coming back next year ? You bet I am . I have already made my reservation . The Lord willing , I want to be on hand when the lights are turned off and the splendid white stallion ( Rufus Cashion ’ s White Sensation ) circles the track with last year ’ s champion rider on his backcarrying the American Flag to signalize the opening of the 1963 last night of the Celebration .
“ Ben Green ,” he said , “ I hope our paths cross soon again . But if I do not see you before , it is a date for the 1963 Celebration . I shall always remember how very much I enjoyed
with the horse , spends a lot of time with this animal , and has greatly reduced the use of her eyes in reading . From these facts we believe the Walking Horse is truly saving the child ’ s eyesight .”
Friends , these may be such simple matters that singly they might not impress one so much . But all together — they represent the warp and the woof of life — they are typical of the various problems that make people unhealthy , unhappy and affect their entire lives .
It seems that “ whatever your trouble — you should try a Tennessee Walking Horse .”
my first ride in this world ’ s greatest show .”
Green joined as a member of the Tennessee Walking Horse Assn , of Florida , saying he worked at one time in St . Petersburg for three year with newspapers .
Missed At Celebration
Mrs . Rudy Quantz , 1336 Joseph St ., Bond Hill , Cincinnati 37 , O ., tells us she and Mr . Quantz could not attend the Celebration as he has been ill — but they ordered the Times-Gazetie report service from the Voice staff ( that ’ s Mary Frances and myself ) . “ He enjoyed your new magazine very much while in the hospital ,” wrote Mrs . Quantz . Their Celebration Friends missed this lovely couple , but did our best to keep them informed through the T-G and the Voice . ( BAG ) .

The Old Reliable

Trained For Pleasure , Suitable For Ladies , Children and Gentlemen — We Specialize In Helping You Find Just The Right Horse . Some Horses Ideally Suited For Bird Hunting and Field Trials .


Bus . MU 4-7778 Res . MU 4-5485