1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 March Voice | Page 34

Your Own Tennessee Wqlking Horse Trode Mqrket
Montono / s Girl Peorl Tells
32 Morch , 1962

Your Own Tennessee Wqlking Horse Trode Mqrket

( Notice to oll-Clossified ods will poy you well . The rote is 50 words for $ 5 one time . Addirionol words 101 eoch .) FOR SALE or TRADE-Beoutiful registered sorrel Tennessee Wolking stollion . Bloze ond three stockings , coming ihree , green broke , show prosoect . Excellent bloodlines . Sell or trode + or good broodmores . Tennessee Wolkinq ond Arobion ot stud . STAN-RO Stobles , E ' R . Sweeney , Rt . 2 , Box 483 , Roonoke . Vo . EMPire 6-1761 . FoR SALE-One 2-veor-old stud colt , Polomino . Two f illies 2 veqrs ' old . Two yeorling Polomino fillies . Broodniores ond stollions ' AII registered TWHBA . some reqistered PHBA . ln good flesh ond souhd . Mrs . Doris W . Wqrdleworth , Goldsboro , Morylond . HUnter 2-2761 . FOR SALE-Two Go Boy ' s Shodow colts , one o veorlino , one o two-yeor-old . Con be seen ot ony iime on- ' Premises . B6th out of Hill ' s Allen more- '/ noir t , 1 " t ". a l "; s Combiin Sue . Verv promising show
S . e Sonford Burns oh Shelbyville Mills
Rood , Roufe l , Shelbyville , Tenn . Phone MUrrcy 4-3575 .
FOR SALE-Two brood mores bred for 1962 . 13- Yeor-Old Wilson Allen more . Chesi , White three socks ond snio . 5-Yeor-Old Spur ' s Roon Allen more . roon on6 sock . Mrs . JOHN A . CASE , Morcellui , New York ,
FOR SALE-Three veorlinq colts . Registered with TWHBA . Sired bv Midniqht Sun , Merrv Boy F-88 ond Boyce ' s-Billy Sundoy ( Polomino ). See L . C . Fritzsche ot Purinc store or E . Lone St ., Shelbyville , Tenn . Phone MUrroy 4-4431 . BOUGHT , SOLD , TRADED , TRAINED-We hcve o number 6f good prospect two-yeor-olds ond invite vou to visit with us . Be sure ond osk obout our Wolkino oonies ond wotch for us ot this seoson ' s shows . -WALK & TALK STABLES , P . O . Box 127 , Jonesboro , Tenn . FOR SAlE-Tennessee Wolking Horses , 3 geldings ond I stud . Storted in their noturol goits . Mrs . Kothryn lmohff , Tilden , Nebrosko .

Montono / s Girl Peorl Tells

Her Areo

Of Big Doings ln rt ' -ditor ' s - \ oie- Pearl Tompkins o [ E ] mo . vlonlana . ail mails this nirvs abotrt big rloings itr her arca tlot too far Irom tlle f-lanadian ltoldcr .)

Ninteen enthusjastic \ Va lking
Florse neople lrom a l ' adius of 300 milcs met ' at tllc Frank TomPkins ' home on West Cottollwood Drive in Kalispcll , Mont . the cvcning of Jan ' 13 , 1i ) 62 to lurther plans lol organizing The Tennessee Walking Holse Exhibit . ors ' Assn . o [ flontana .
A letter was l ' ead from Ben A '
Green relating to his lorthcoming magazine . Seviral mcmbers sent lor subscrjptions and cvcryone was vel ' y please . t ' rhat this lnagazine is to be nublished .
' Th " film , Flce antl EasY ( sct urctl Irom the T \'\ II {& EAA oI L , ervisburg , ' fenn .), was shor . t ' n antl grcatly aPrrreciaied . The fihn was also sholvll rlt hols ., n , f [ ont . -f an . l5 to tlrc Polson Saddle Club .
P . O . Box . l73 JosPer , lndiono
Sqles Boording Troining
Finished Horses & ProsPects
For Sole
Mr . & Mrs . Arnold Hobig , Owners
Horold Hoyes , Monoger-Troiner
Stqble ! lllg-K Night : l27O ' K
Officcrs elected to serve until the charter is received were :
Arthur Harlow , Whitelish , Mont ., president ;
- Richard Cowman , Whitefish , viceor-csident :
' T ", 1 Meffolcl , Hot Springs , second
vice-president ;
Villa LVlelton , FIot Springs ; Virgil
FoR SALE-Reoistered Tennessee WolkinE broodmi-re . oronddo " uohler of Roon Allen , J r . ond Huntbr ' s- AIlen F-10 . sorrel roqn , bloze foce , { our stockings , flosh mone ond toil , open ' Her stud colt oolden chestnut , white morKlngs .
Show prosoeit . Sired bv Merry Boy & Wilson Allen bred stud . J . J . JONES , 702 Logon 5t ., Horrisonville , Mo . TUxedo 4-4658 '
WALKERS FOR SALE--Boy yeorling f illv 610705 , Midnioht Sun ,/ Allen breeding ; blue roon yeorlrng srud -610992, Midnight Sun ,/ Allen breeding ; . sixveor-old Pol6mino riore 551216 , AIlen breeding , i wonderful fomilv Dleosure horse ; block boy three-veor-old . welljtroined f illv 590007 , Midnight Sun ./ Merrv B6v breeding , reody to show , lody or voulh con ride , occlotmed by lroiner os best fillv he hos t . oined in twenlv yeors . All ore hoy ' ses of beouliful conformotion ond disposition . Also . iwo-horse ionde- iroiler , qood condition . Wriie : AMOS GLENDENNING , Route l , Columbus Junction , lowo .
D @ arlcl Robert Keyser , Stevensville , directors ; Pearl Tompkins , Eimon , ] Iout ., secl ' etary- Ireasuler .
( P . S . Latel ou the Editor- got anothclletter frotn Pearl and thc Ed ' s l ' ife , llary l : r ' attccs . said to Itirrt : " 1 scc rott alc gctlil ) g love letters from Nlontana . H6w about that ?"
I cxplaincrl it rvas all in a business rr ' ay . Peati confidcs lo us she is 57 lcars old . sold off her cattlc to concenlrate on Tenttessee Walking Horses , and rttns tter 800-acre ranch ell bv -lrclself cxcept rthctr shc hiles att
Intiiai for slrt , rl intervals . \ 1 ' hat a gal . l ' d travel from here to there jtlst to shake her hand . BAG .)
We ore students ot Horris School of Advertising in Noshville , Tenn . -ond plon our coreers ore Oil Pointers of Horses . Storiing with vocotion we con go onywhere to Point Pictures between June 8 ond Sept . 12 . We olso con point in oil from photogrophs but colors must be cleorly set out with Color Photogrophs or other identif icotion . Write us for f uriher informotion : Dovid Wright , P . O . Box 308 , Goodlettsville , Tenn . or Bill Holly , i907 Belmonf Blvd ., Noshville , Tenn .