1962-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1962 June Voice | Page 15

Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 13 S. W. Beech, Jr. Advises On Training Young Colts In selecting a colt, it is well to as they perform on their own. Then make a comprehensive study of the you can observe the natural motion breeding. We all naturally stress the of their heads and legs. In this way value of good sires, but I have found you can tell what they will be able the dam also plays an important part to do later under saddle almost to the and this should be carefully con­ degree of their future winnings under sidered. When selecting broodmares, saddle. Of course this ability on the I carefully study the bloodlines and part of the observer has a lot to do try to figure what will cross the best with his experience. with the chosen sire. Certainly “blood Mother Nature is the best guide on will tell” with Tennessee Walking what to do with broodmares at foal­ Horses. This fact has been proved ing time—but it is best to give them BY S. W. BEECH, JR. since early times in development of the best care possible. It is usually Route 5, Letcisburg. Tenn. best to help along nature but not to this breed. Caring for broodmares is an im­ interfere with her. SECTION 1 When the mare is ready to foal, I Conformation, Breeding Important portant item in breeding good colts. It I have been asked to express my is usually best to keep broodmares in place her in a large stall with good views on the selection, care and train­ good flesh, feed them amply with bedding. When the weather is ex­ ing of young colts—views that are grain and let them graze whenever tremely cold I use infra-red light based upon personal experience that possible on good pasture. The breed­ bulbs to heat the stall. After the colt extends from my boyhood to the pres­ ing matrons that are cared for well comes, I watch it closely to see that its ent time, a span of some 40 years and usually raise the best colt. On the bowels are functioning properly. more. Naturally various people do other hand, a mare in poor condition Many times I have to use a syringe things various ways, and this applies will be hard to get in foal—to start the first day. I also paint the naval also to handling Tennessee Walking with—and lack of care has prevented a cord with iodine. The mare is given plenty of hay and Horses, young or old. What is said in mare from getting into foal, history grain. When the colt is a few days old this series of articles I am happy to has shown. It is preferable to have mares start and the weather permits, I turn the share with all others who love the breed and want to see it do well. And raising colts early in the spring sea­ mare and colt out on pasture a few bear in mind, I am speaking of colts son, if you are raising show animals. hours each day. After the colt is a few expected to become show horses. The earlier the colt, the better will be weeks old, it begins to eat grain along There is quite a bit of difference in his chances to become a winner in the w