1904 | Page 12

Dear Friends and Families of Notre Dame,

As I began to write this letter for the Annual Appeal for Notre Dame Catholic School I reflected on my time as a student, as an alumnus, and as a parent of this school. One word that kept floating back to me was the word challenge. We all face challenges in our lives every day and the school is no different.

As a student at Notre Dame I was challenged to be a good student and become a Disciple of Christ, and as a new Alumnus I was challenged to make my way in the world and remain a good steward in Christ. Today as a parent one of the many challenges I face is to make sure my children become Disciples of Christ and receive a wonderful education.

NDCS has faced and continues to face challenges of an aging infrastructure, technology that changes by the second, and guiding students to be brighter and well-rounded Christians in an everyday changing world. I feel that through the years Notre Dame has heard God's call and risen to the many challenges that it has faced.

This year I am calling you to take part in the challenge to continue superior and valued Catholic education in Wichita Falls! I challenge our fabulous teachers and staff to give a small gift in honor of their students, I challenge our Alumni to give in honor of the wonderful education they received, and I challenge our parents to give so NDCS can continue to provide a superior education and form lifelong Disciples of Christ. Additionally, I challenge everyone to pray daily for Catholic education in Wichita Falls, our diocese, and throughout the world.

What is a better cause than giving an exemplary Catholic education to a child in our community? Challenges push us to be better ourselves. Challenges ask us to reach for the stars and hopefully achieve our dreams. I have some big dreams for Notre Dame and they begin with your help. I ask you to look into your heart and accept the challenge to give to the Annual Appeal. Our family has accepted the challenge. Will you?

May God bless you and NDCS,

Sarah '96 & Matt Pitts 2014-2015

Annual Appeal Chairs



Annual Appeal