16 Shades of Black VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 May 2013 | Page 44

Consequently, we become complacent with the biological perspective, thusly some benefited from it in the past, and some continue to benefit even today from the profit made hundreds of years ago through racism. Whatever, the argued scientific legitimacy, “race” is still a social fact, in which the social (and even political) significance of skin color, eye shape, hair texture, athletic ability, physical prowess, etc… have and always will play a critical role in today’s American society. For I have come to the understanding, that it does not matter what you may consider yourself; whether it pertains to race, religion, political class, etc... It fundamentally depends on what society considers you to be.

Recently, The New York Times published an article in their “Opinion Page,” in which an inspired gentleman by the name of Jonathan Rieder wrote “Dr. King’s Righteous Fury.” His illuminating essay focuses on Dr. King’s challenges and his reactions to them. Historically, it would be easy to acknowledge Rieder’s message, since we are good people in a nation founded on freedom and merit, and we will eventually attempt to find good in the interpretation of our founding documents. Nevertheless, for the time being, we will simply apply our guaranteed rights to our own group, not to the ‘other’. This was the history of the United States… Or maybe still is.