15ISSUE 22ISSUEonline | Page 52

NEW FACE CHLOE RODRIGUEZ W e invited Chloe to be on our VNB Magazine’s spotlight feature this time. 我们这次邀请了Chloe作为VNB杂志的焦点人物。 1. Please tell us about yourself. 请简单自我介绍一下。 My name is Chloe Rodriguez and I grew up in Texas, I’m of Mexican descent. 我叫 Chloe Rodriguez 我在Texas长大,有着墨西哥血统。 2. What made you want to be a face of the VNB brand? 是什么让你想要为VNB代言? When your associate Ted showed me the magazine I wanted to be in it. It is a very nice glossy. 当你的助理Ted向我展示你杂志的时候,我就想成为其中的一 部分。因为杂志看起来很有光泽。 3. If you could change one thing about VNB, what would it be? 如果你可以提高VNB杂志的一个方面,那会是什么? How about a fold-out centerfold? 加一个可折叠的中间折页如何? 4. How did you become involved in the modeling industry? 你是如何进入模特圈的? I started doing some pin-up shoots, and then fashion shows. 我刚开始拍海报,后来走时装秀。 5. Who is your favorite model? 谁是你最喜欢的模特? Adriana Lima from Victoria Secret 阿德里亚娜·利马和维多利亚的秘密。 6. What is your happiest memory? 你最开心的时刻是什么? A trip I took to Dubai. 去杜拜的旅程。 7. What is your greatest fear? 你最害怕什么? Becoming homeless. 害怕变得无家可归。 8. Have you ever searched for your name online? 你有没有试图在网上搜过你的名字? Ha ha, no 哈哈,没有。 9. What is your daily schedule like? 你的日常生活是怎样的。 In the morning I do a quick workout. Then I like to take my dogs for a walk, play in the park. Possibly a photo shoot. VNB MAGAZINE.COM 52 早晨,我会锻炼一小会儿。然后去溜会儿狗 ,在公园里 玩耍。有时可能会进行照片拍摄。 10. What is your favorite fitness activity? 你最喜欢的运动是什么? I like to run and do exercises. 我喜欢跑步和运动。 11. Do you have any advice for models new to the business? 你对刚入行的模特有什么建议吗? Do as much as you can when starting out, even if it doesn’t pay. Get your name out there. 刚开始的时候,尽一切可能接任何活,即使是免费的。目 的是要让大家知道你。 12. What is your motto? 你的座右铭是什么? Do the best you can, always try. 做到最好,不断尝试。 13. Who is your real life hero? 你现实生活中的英雄是谁? My dad. 我的父亲。 14. What inspires you? 什么一直激励着你? I want to improve myself. I always want to do better. 我想要提高自己。我总是想做更好。 15. What is your idea of a perfect man? 你的白马王子是什么样的? He should be mature in his behavior, well mannered and intelligent. 他应该是要成熟稳重,有教养并且聪明的。 16. What is your idea of a perfect date? 你最期待的约会是什么样的? Treat me like a lady and pay attention to me, act like I mean something to you. 对我款款相待,放注意力在我身上,让我觉得我对你很 重要。 17. Where would your ideal vacation be? 你的理想旅游胜地是哪儿? I think the South Pacific. 我想是南太平洋。