15ISSUE 22ISSUEonline | Page 32

REVIEW KULU INTRODUCING NEW HONGKONG STYLE REAL FRUITS WAFFLE 咕噜精心出品, 纯天然水果华夫饼 新鲜水果奶昔 Fresh Fruit Milk Shake Rainbow Banana Triple Sesame 香蕉芒果冰沙 Mango Banana Smoothie 新鲜香蕉和芒果都是现点现榨的,冰沙味道比较清新和贴近真实水 果味道,口重的人也许会觉得淡,但是其实这都是因为少了奶精和 添加剂的原因。 Kulu选择用 Real Fruit 是希望每个人都能健康饮食! Fresh banana and mango are freshly squeezed, hence, the smoothie is very refreshing. Whoever prefers heavy-sugary drinks may think is little tasteless, but in fact Kulu refuses to use any extra additive to make sure everyone can enjoy a healthy drink! 芋头奶昔 - Taro Milkshake 这款是强推,超级赞的一款饮品! 芋头通过精挑细选之后,烹煮一定时间后待其完全变软,然后再去 榨成芋头汁,再拌入新鲜牛奶和Cream。一丁点添加剂都没有。 然而味道则是那么的芋头,那么的香浓同时也不腻! Ujikintoki.Kai VNB MAGAZINE.COM Durian Deluxe 32 Highly recommended, super tasty! Each taro is carefully chosen, and it is cooked till complete soften. Then, all the mash taro blend with milk and cream, no additives are added. It tastes very taroish, meanwhile, it is rich and not so greasy.