15 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog 15 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog | Page 4

# 3 : Candy and Gum Containing Xylitol
# 4 : Avocados
What most of those people are unaware of is that this relates mostly to darker chocolates and pure chocolates not the kind that we buy over the counter in candies .
Bakers chocolate , gourmet chocolate and most dark chocolates are deadly to our pooches .
There are other sources of chocolate to beware of as well , such as espresso beans covered in chocolate , vitamins , and coffees containing chocolate .
It is especially deadly in smaller dogs as it can cause an elevated heart rate and hypertension leading to sudden death .

# 3 : Candy and Gum Containing Xylitol

Xylitol is a sugar-free substance used a sweetener commonly found in many substances , including gum , snacks , toothpaste , and even vitamins .
It is very important to keep any food or items containing xylitol out of the reach of your family pet .
Once a dog ingests even a small amount it can lower the pooch ’ s blood sugar to hypoglycemic levels within just a few minutes .
Hypoglycemia can lead to coma and eventually death if not treated immediately . Larger amounts can lead to liver failure and death .
Unfortunately , it ’ s difficult to predict what amount of xylitol can bring on symptoms as the amount can vary based on the product .

# 4 : Avocados

Even if you are a lover of guacamole it ’ s not a good idea to give it to your dog as a treat . Avocados contain a toxic substance called Persin .