15 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog 15 Foods That Could Kill Your Dog | Page 3

# 1 : Bones
# 2 : Chocolate


The number of things that a dog will ingest far outweigh the number of things that they will not ingest . As dog owners we have to educate ourselves on certain foods that may be good for us but not for them .
Many people may not realize that common foods that we eat daily can be deadly for our canine friends . Many of us are guilty of slipping Fido a bit of food from the dinner table without knowing the potential harm .
The best way to avoid a potentially dangerous situation with your dog is to educate yourself on the common household items that can be harmful to your pet .
The list below describes the 15 most common foods to avoid giving to your pooch .

# 1 : Bones

One of the most common treats that we give to our dogs are bones . As much as your dog may enjoy them they are potentially dangerous treats .
Throughout the evolution of becoming domesticated animals dogs have adapted to being omnivores rather than carnivores .
Bones can easily splinter and get lodged into the stomach or digestive tract . This can cause serious health issues that can lead to death .
There is no safe animal bone to give to your dog as a snack ; however , there are imitation bones or milk bones that you can purchase without any worry .

# 2 : Chocolate

Most people are familiar with the fact that chocolate can be deadly to dogs .