12 Step Approach to Sponsorships | Page 21

12 Step Approach to Sponsorships Step Five: Proposal Begin proposal by outlining information about your brand, what you stand for, why you’re doing program, how long the it has existed: • Be clear and truthful about what you are doing and what you can deliver. • At a minimum, your proposal should include: • • An overview or summary of your program (this statement may be the first impression of you and your program, be clear and concise). • Your objectives for the program (why you are doing it, what you expect to accomplish, i.e., charity, donation, scholarship, etc. • What you need from a sponsor (how much will it cost them) • How you are going to execute the event (methodology) • What you are going to do (top line execution plan) • A profile of expected attendees (target audience or demographics (race, sex, age, average income, etc. Companies generally want to know where their funds will be going and if your program helps them reach their desired targets. Think Win/Win: • What does a successful program look like for you AND your pro-spective sponsor. • • Educate companies on why they should “want/need” to sponsor your program: If they are looking at other programs, give them a reason to consider yours over another. Develop sponsorship levels/packages that make sense for your type of program that will interest prospective sponsors, i.e., title, presenting, entertainment, etc. ©2016 Austin Group Consulting.llc 5