12 Step Approach to Sponsorships | Page 19

12 Step Approach to Sponsorships Step Four: Metrics How you intend to measure the success of your event can be an important factor in approving your proposal. Look for ways that meet your idea of an good event as well as the company’s measurement of success for an event, i.e., • Consider what you might need to measure or track both for you and the prospective sponsor (builds value and interest): • Return on Investment (ROI): If company wants customer leadcards (customer information) they may estimate the success of your event by calculating the cost of their sponsorship fee by number of leads your event can get (give to them). • • Return on Objective (ROO): Can you achieve (do) what you say you can do, i.e. # of attendees, # of leads, # of sampling, amount of media exposure, etc. Consider the “Quality” of Leads • Are there other important metrics to be considered – branding, awareness, exposure, etc. • • 4 $5,000 sponsorship/1000 leads = $5.00/lead How/when will you be expected to share results? During the event, 30, 60, 90 days after the event? ©2016 Austin Group Consulting.llc