12 Step Approach to Sponsorships | Page 13

12 Step Approach to Sponsorships Step One: Brand Image Brand: Your brand represents who and what you stand for in the marketplace. Brand Image: Your brand image is the impression current or potential “customers” have about your product. Note: This can include “real” or “imaginary “ qualities or shortcomings. Brand Management: Brand management involves everything from your brand name, its attributes, where/how its positioned (yours vs someone else) as well as sustaining and maintaining what the brand promises and then maintaining that promise. Things to Note • What is your brand’s image? • What do you represent, what are your values • Protect, build and value your brand so that it is true to and maintains what it promises • Value how your brand is presented everyday and in everyway, to ev-eryone…treat your brand with respect so that others will understand and believe in to too. • Prospective sponsor will look to your brand’s equity (overall value) in considering aligning, partnering or sponsoring your program , service or activity. 1