115A Normandale Road 115a Normandale Road | Page 62

It is accepted by all reading this, that without full removal of interior and exterior wall claddings, it is not possible for Building Science Ltd or any surveyor, building inspector, etc to fully assess the internal wall cavities, parapets and framing timber. The provision of this guarantee is not representing the condition of any timber within the dwelling to any reader or owner at the time of purchase. The guarantee is being provided as Building Science Ltd has tested the building prior to listing and assessed at that time the building was not returning any test data that would indicate there was moisture entry or decayed or failed timber. Based on this assessment the guarantee has been provided. No negative data may have been recorded as the wood may have decayed so that there was no timber to obtain readings from. This is unlikely in this instance, but it is possible and any owner now and into the future, is deemed to accept this as a possibility. It is also accepted by owners, current and future, that the provision of the guarantee is not representing to any party the condition of the wood or building systems in any capacity at time of purchase. It is agreed that any owner has made a purchase decision based on their own assessment of their own needs, plans and desires, and that the guarantee provided by Building Science Ltd, is to provide risk mitigation going forward after the purchase of this home. and is not recognised by the purchaser as being a warranty to the condition of unseen building materials, not viewed by the direct eyesight of the Building Science inspector. Please refer to the attached Building Inspection for a description of the limitations of building inspections, and it is agreed by the purchaser that any decision to purchase this dwelling has been made understanding and accepting those limitations. Buildings, like people , age. Building materials wear out and fail. Storm events can cause moisture entry, in fact all buildings leak at some stage in their life cycle, and it would be foolish to think otherwise. And these statements apply to all the buildings ever built of any style and and of any material. The guarantee provided can not stop that, or turn back the hands of time, but is provided to transfer the forward risk to an entity trained and equipped to handle it, to protect your interests and equity. Most walls are 11cm’s to 14cm’s thick, and the best non invasive sensors penetrate 4 cm’s deep. So it is accepted that all testing efforts are a “best effort” made with the appropriate testing sensors, but again the sensors can not tell what is happening or has happened in the past at depths the sensors can not reach. By providing the guarantee it can be accepted that Building Science Ltd feels the home is a safe risk, but a risk none the less, but one they are prepared to accept. The provision of the guarantee is not in place to fix, remediate or replace historically damaged timbers that may be discovered or uncovered after purchase, but is provided to stop and prevent any moisture entry through external walls and decks.detected after purchase.