115A Normandale Road 115a Normandale Road | Page 35

115A Normandale Road, Normandale, Lower Hutt, 5010 Property overview Bedroom: 4 Building type: Residential-Dwelling-1990's Bathroom: 3 Building age: 1994 Land area: - Property ID (QPID): 953189 Suburb: Normandale Territorial Authority: Lower Hutt City E-valuer Get an instant estimate of a property's value, based on recent, nearby comparable property sales in the area. Confidence level: High Estimated value: $778,000 Forecast standard deviation (FSD): 8.0% Estimated selling range: $715,760 - $840,240 Capital value: Date of estimate: 28/10/2019 Rating valuation date: $620,000 01/09/2016 The confidence level is based on the analysis of comparable sales to determine the likely estimated selling range for this property. Read more about the accuracy of the E-valuer, confidence levels and forecast standard deviations. Property information generated on: Fri Nov 01 12:40:55 UTC 2019 Here to help If you get stuck or need to ask a question, reach our friendly Customer Support Team on 0800 65 11 33 or [email protected]