_THINK ABOUT IT_ Jul. 2012 | Page 3

What is Art? Different versions you should know. And who is an Artist? Through the history those questions have been deeply debated. They have a lot of meanings and categories.

About it several important art theorists emerged it on. For example: “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance”. Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC). Because of that, Art is enrolled with the emotions of human beings "Art is something that makes us more thoughtful and well-rounded humans."1

Another example could be that of The British Encyclopedia which defines art as “Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities”.2. By such definition, Art has existed for as long as mankind and needs a skill used to express creativity. Eugene Delacroix (1798 - 1863) said: “An Artist is he who seeks perfection in everything”. Even to express Art for political change. I think.

Currently the word art is also used to apply judgments of value, as in such expressions as "that meal was a work of art".

it is used as a measure of high quality and high value. Because of that the term is full of subjectivity. And subjectivity means something different to every single person.

The Purpose and Functions of Art.

Art has had a great number of different functions including: Communication as in Illustrative arts, Art as entertainment, Art for psychological and healing purposes, Art for social subversion, Art for commercialism, etc.

In my view, one of the best uses Art has is Educational to rehab in complicated circumstances. I remember two years ago, I had the opportunity to work with children who belong to a vulnerable condition. The purpose of the Arts classes is to bring occupational activities after the school, to teach values and improve artistic techniques. The program had success in several ways. The teenagers developed projects involving their life plans. Also the youngest child worked in topics about Colombia, for instance the different kinds of birds or representative landscapes.

Then as a conclusion; Art served to get the best of the capacity of each one. To express beauty, creativity and innovation and Artist is someone who creates art and anybody can work in an artistic production. As well Art worked as an engine in charge to inspire.

Art has a subjective meaning being different to everyone. What does it mean to you?

Paola Andrea Alvarez Navarro.

Different explanations about what Art is.