Digital publication | Page 19


2This was the name of the monster that was a recurring problem in the Nether Hub

4This was the name of Episode 18 of Jpmac11's Freebuilders Files

7This was the nickname given by Sizzler to Lord Spuddrick III

9This was the player that went to Minecon in 2015

11This was the name of the forum challenge that Jpmac11 hosted

13This was the name of the very first challenge

14This former player prompted the ownership switch

15This was the name of the war headquarters of Las Islas

16This was the name of Jpmac11's horse

19This was the original name of the unfinished Cradle outpost of Brink

21This was the name of the "Opposite of Freebuilders" server, as proposed by Jpmac11

23This was the name of DOMOHEAD's horse

24This was the player that ran the Las Islas Villager Province

25This was the name of the founder of Idiotsville

26This was the name of the Grand Knight of Cradle

28This player was one of the original two members of the K-Team

29This was the owner of the original skin for the Senora Estatua

30This was the player that proposed the Council of Nations


1This was the name of the alt account who unvieled the statue

3This was the name of Jpmac11's favorite bow

5This was the name of the tallest skyscraper in downtown Las Islas

6This was the name of the center for learning in Cradle

8This was the name of the bridge connecting the portal island to the mainland in Cradle

10This was the name of the church in Las Islas

12This was the name of a former moderator of Freebuilders

17This was the fictional nation that Lord Spuddrick III led

18This was the player suspected by DOMOHEAD to be Spuddrick

20This was the player that was to be the mayor of Cavern

22This player founded Las Islas along with RunKennyRun

27This was the original name of Unity Gardens


Freebuilders Magazine