Digital publication | Page 16

Schroon Lakee Invasive Species R Reconnaisssance 20155 Robert Bombard & Nich holas Row well 31 B Depalo D Laane Queensb bury, NY 112804 (51 18)926-837 76 or (518))321-5024 T The 2015 Eurrasian Waterm milfoil (EWM M) survey of Schroon S Lakee was done at the behest off the Schroon Lake A Association. The EWM su urvey parametters included us snorkelingg and diving aapproximatelyy 10ft apart thhroughoout the littoraal zone of the chosen sites. The survey consisted c of ssnorkeling thee shallow areaas of plant groowth to scuba diving to the deepesst point of plaant growth. Th hroughout eacch site surveyyed, the EWM M plant locatioons were m mapped using g a GPS. Afteer each survey y day, a report and map of GPS EWM loocations weree sent to bothh the SLA aand AIM Inc.. The sites su urveyed were chosen throu ugh a combinaation of the SL LA Board Meembers, the L Lake M Manager sugg gestions, areaas with extenssive littoral zo ones, high nuutrients areas aat tributary ouutlets and preeviously kknown locatio ons of EWM populations. The followin ng is a compillation of our ddaily reports, GPS EWM location m maps and sitee descriptionss.