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Ecotourism in Costa Rica is a relatively new concept. It started in 1996. The country wants to create an experience of tourist when they come to the country. There are over 160 National Parks.

Before ecotourism was originally used as a term it is believed early ecotourism existed in the 18th and 19th century. Men would travel the world to learn and expereince cultures. For example, Darwin could be seen as one of the first ecotourists.

Ecotourism was originally described by Hector Ceballos-Lascurain who was a Mexican architect. "Ecotourism is that tourism that involves traveling to relatively undisturbed natural areas with the specifc obest of studying, admiring, an enjoying the ecenery..."

Today ecotourism has been evolving into something that helps the environment and help people understand the natural environment. It is being used as a tool to teach conservation and different cultures to people.

In Costa Rica 26% of their area is pretected from deforestation. It is ranked the5th most advanced coutry in natural preservation. The country is currently working on becoming carbon neutral. Ecotourism can help the environent in great ways and has been improving Costa Rica for many years now.

History of Ecotourism