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A few years ago, during the winter, my friends and I went to the nearby hill to sled and ski. There were snow and ice everywhere outside. It was the perfect time for winter sports and activities. We used to go to the hill every winter and have a lot of fun there. Funny falls are very common.

Once while we were walking to the hill, a friend of mine slipped and fell into deep snow. Everybody started to laugh and we thought that it could happen only to him, because he was always clumsy. We were convinced that it couldn’t happen to us. It turned out that we were wrong.

When we arrived, all of us were impatient, everybody wanted to go first. I was the most impatient one there, so I was first for descending. I stepped on the skis for the first time and I was confident that I could do it. I thought it wouldn’t be a problem for me. I looked downhill and started. Everything was going fine, until I reached half of the short track. I lost control and fell down. My both skis fell off, so I continued sliding on my backside till the end of the track. I felt a slight pain afterwards. Everybody started to laugh, of course.

Soon they came to see how I was. I was fine and luckily wasn’t injured. I must say that my fall looked very funny. We still laugh today about our little adventure. I never stepped again on the skis after that. It could happen to anyone, I guess.

Стефан Радивојевић II2


IF ONLY that hadn’t happened to me