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Mystery Code


It was a Sunday morning and the sun was shining brightly. Professor Smith was still in his bed, although it was already 9 o’clock. Suddenly, the phone rang and Professor woke up immediately. He wasn’t waiting for anyone to call him, so he hesitated to answer. The voice, that he couldn’t recognise, said: “Professor, we need your help immediately.” He was surprised and asked who was calling and wondered what was wrong. The voice said that it was about an important code and that he needed to come to the university, where he worked, as soon as he could. Professor was really confused but somehow knew that it was serious, so he promised to be there in no time. When he came, he was shown a code and was told that it was of great importance to figure out the code by the following day.

So Professor went home and started solving the code. He got many clues by solving it piece by piece. The first clue was a church in Florence, so he went there after calling the organisation to tell where he was heading. He was told to always keep in touch, so they could always know where he was. Even before going to the second place to find new clues he always called to keep in touch with them. But then it happened! He finally discovered and solved the last clue and tried calling the organisation again, but there was no answer. He then noticed that he was being followed and tried to hide and also contact the organisation again, but with no success. While he was crossing the street, some men suddenly started shooting at him, trying to kill him. He got really scared and started running.

He was running pretty fast, but the shooters were faster. He wondered why that code was so important. While torturing himself with the thought, he got shot. He fell and looked at his wound. He was shot in the stomach. But then the adrenalin started pumping and he got up and somehow ran away from his stockers. Luckily, he managed to save the code.

The next day he woke up and found himself in hospital. He was welcomed with applause and the organisation expressed their gratitude for helping in a very important state issue. But when he asked who the people who had tried to kill him were, they said nothing. He never found out.

II2, групни рад:

Нина Тошић, Сандра Матић, Милица Митровић, Тина Марковић