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Learn some basic gothic

Page in English

The Gothic language

The Gothic language was an east-Germanic language which was spoken by the Goths. This section is for people which can t really speak Gothic yet. Some of the most important words are jah (and), ist (is), ik (I) and þu (you). You will notice that Gothic looks a lot like English in some ways, as Gothic and English share a relationship. Take for example instead of. The Gothic word for place is staþs, here you can see what it originally ment: in the place of. In languages like Dutch the word place is used, but English is one of the only Germanic languages which also still uses an equivalent of staþs.

Some basic phrases:

ik im = I am

ik wiljau = I want

þu magt = you can

weis sijum = we are

ik rodja Gutarazda = I speak Gothic

Rodeis þu Gutarazda? = Do you speak Gothic?

Gutarazda abraba aglus ist = Gothic is a very difficult language

Ik rodja filu razdo = I speak a lot of languages

Ik rodja fawai razdos = I speak few languages

Wileis þu? = Do you want?

Ik rodja Aggilarazda = I speak English

Ik anakunna Gutarazda = I read Gutarazda

Ik wiljau anakunnan Gutarazda = I want to read Gutarazda

Ik melja in Gutarazdai = I write in the Gothic language

Ik mag meljan in Gutarazdai = I can write in Gothic