European Policy Analysis Volume 2, Number 2, Winter 2016


European Policy Analysis
Volume 2 , Number 2 - Winter 2016
Table of Contents
Understanding Brexit ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Kurt Hübner
Facts or Feelings , Facts and Feelings ? The Post-Democracy Narrative in the Brexit Debate _______________________________ 12 Karin Forss , Linnea Magro
A Review of Applications of the Advocacy Coalition Framework in Swedish Policy Processes ____________________________ 18 Daniel Nohrstedt , Kristin Olofsson
Bricolage or Entrepreneurship ? Lessons from the Creation of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 43 Thibaud Deruelle
Leaders ’ ‘ Green ’ Posts . The Environmental Issues Shared by Politicians on Facebook ____________________________________ 68 Diego Ceccobelli , Benedetta Cotta
State and Regional Administrative Coordination in Spain : A Case Study of the Spanish Sectoral Conferences on Environmental , Health and Educational Policies ( 2001 – 2012 )____________________________________________________ 94 Jaione Mondragón Ruiz de Lezana , Alberto de la Peña Varona , Arantxa Elizondo Lopetegi , Juan Luis Mokoroa Arizkorreta , Francisco Juaristi Larrinaga
Special Focus : Demographic Change and Health Care in Europe
Demographic Change and Migration in the European Care Sector — Introduction to the Special Focus ___________________ 118 Uwe Hunger , Marlene Neumann
Circular Migration of Live-ins in Germany — Reinforcing the Segmentation of the Labor Market ?_______________________ 120 Marlene Neumann , Uwe Hunger
The Migration of Greek Physicians to Germany : Motivations , Factors and the Role of National Health Sectors ___________________________________________________________________________________ 136 Andreas Gkolfinopoulos